Hottest Reason to Go Vegan? Watch PETA’s ‘Last Longer’ Ad

Turns out, the cholesterol in meat, eggs, and dairy products slows the flow of blood to all the body’s organs—not just the heart.

Zac Efron Is the Latest Star to Embrace Vegan Eating in 2018

Eating purely vegan and feeling “brilliant,” Zac Efron is the latest celeb to announce that he’s ditched eggs, meat, and dairy “products.”

See It Here: PETA’s Hunky St. Patrick’s Day Ad Banned From Festivities

Apparently, Irish eyes weren’t smiling when PETA set out to debut our new St. Patrick’s Day ad featuring our vegan hunk and his clover.

PETA’s February Was Proof That Love (for Animals) Is a Battlefield

Valentine’s Day wasn’t all hearts and smiles. PETA spiced things up with some “tough love” for animal abusers around the world in February.

Are You PETA’s Sexiest Vegan?

Compassion is sexy. Enter for a chance to win Sexiest Vegan Next Door 2018 and a trip for two to Hawaii!

Transgender Models Reveal Sexy New PETA Ad at New York Fashion Week

Loiza Lamers and Benjamin Melzer have bared their skin for PETA so that animals can keep theirs.

Bodypainted ‘Foxes’ Put Fur-Free Stamp on Fashion Week

PETA’s ‘foxes’ bared their skin so that animals can keep theirs.

The ‘Lettuce Ladies’ Meet Turkey (the Country, Not the Bird)

When the “Lettuce Ladies” stepped out in Cuba, people went nuts. Now PETA’s vegan ambassadors are touring Russia, Romania, and Turkey.

Monique Jacques
Let’s Not Be Too Hasty, but the New ‘Aladdin’ Might Be Vegan

Egyptian-born Canadian actor Mena Massoud was recently named Disney’s new live-action Aladdin, and he might also be vegan.

Race for the Ms. Woman Nevada Crown: Liz Miklosi Wants You to Go Vegan

From saving animals and helping the planet to improving our health, there are plenty of reasons why a vegan platform in a race for royalty is the best.

In Cuba, the ‘Lettuce Ladies’ Stepped Out—and People Went Nuts

The crowds were out as the “Lettuce Ladies” hit Havana, but our vegan ambassadors couldn’t stay all day—they had important work to do.

These Valentine’s Day Lovers Show That Compassion Can Up Your Bed Game

Get the word out: Vegans make better lovers.

You Won’t Believe These Vegans’ Real Ages

Meet the winners of PETA’s Sexiest Vegans Over 50 contest.

Texas Billboard Challenges Ranchers: ‘I Threw a Party, but the Cattlemen Couldn’t Come’

Just in time for National Impotence Awareness Month, PETA urges motorists to go vegan for sexual health.

Animals’ Favorite Playboy Playmates

The iconic men’s magazine “Playboy” is pulling its pin-ups, but have no fear: Here at PETA, we’d still rather bare skin than wear skin.

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