Personal Care & Fashion 101

How to Wear Vegan
Personal Care & Fashion
How to Wear Vegan

Vegan clothes and vegan shoes are easier to come by than ever before—and they’re more fashionable, too. Use this guide to learn how to wear vegan!

Search for Cruelty-Free Cosmetics: Makeup, Personal-Care Products, and More
Personal Care & Fashion
Search for Cruelty-Free Cosmetics: Makeup, Personal-Care Products, and More

PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies program is the ultimate resource for conscientious shoppers, making the quest for cruelty-free products as easy as pie.

15 Great Cruelty-Free Companies
Personal Care & Fashion
15 Great Cruelty-Free Companies

These compassionate companies are some of the leading go-to brands for cruelty-free products.

Animal-Derived Ingredients List
Animal-Derived Ingredients List

PETA’s list of animal-derived ingredients and their alternatives helps consumers avoid animal ingredients in food, cosmetics, and other products.

Food 101

How to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring
How to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring

Whether you want to create a wildlife-friendly garden or learn the best vegetables to grow in Spring, PETA’s spring gardening guide is here to help.

How Sea Moss Is Bringing New Depths to Fish-Free Seafood
How Sea Moss Is Bringing New Depths to Fish-Free Seafood

Thanks to sea moss, vegans can say “ahoy!” to new depths of fish-free seafood! Find out why using this marine plant is good for sea life, the environment, and your health.

PETA’s Two-Week Vegan Meal Plan
PETA’s Two-Week Vegan Meal Plan

PETA’s chefs have created sample vegan menus featuring simple, easy recipes that anyone can follow.

Want Recipes and Lifestyle Tips?

Text VEG to 73822 to get the latest vegan lifestyle tips, recipes, and urgent action alerts texted right to your phone.

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Order Your FREE Vegan Starter Kit!
Order Your FREE Vegan Starter Kit!

PETA’s free vegan starter kit has everything from recipes and tips on eating out to health information. Order now by filling out the form! Or, order for a friend.

How to Go Vegan in 3 Simple Steps
How to Go Vegan in 3 Simple Steps

Going vegan is easier than ever before, but we are here to make it even easier—as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Pledge to Go Vegan!
Pledge to Go Vegan!

Looking to make a small change that will have a big impact? Look no further than our vegan pledge!

Vegan Recipes
Vegan Recipes

Search PETA’s database of delicious, mouthwatering, vegetarian and vegan recipes.

Foods You Might Not Know Are Vegan
Foods You Might Not Know Are Vegan

These “accidentally vegan” foods might surprise you. In every grocery store, you can find animal-friendly packaged foods you know and love.

Save Money With These Vegan Recipes Under $3
Save Money With These Vegan Recipes Under $3

These cheap vegan recipes cost next to nothing per serving. Enjoy!

Humane Home 101

How to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring
How to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring

Whether you want to create a wildlife-friendly garden or learn the best vegetables to grow in Spring, PETA’s spring gardening guide is here to help.

Why Leaving Leaves in Your Yard Helps Animals Thrive
Humane Home
Why Leaving Leaves in Your Yard Helps Animals Thrive

Learn why leaving the leaves in your yard is better for wildlife and the environment.

Rats in the Attic? Here’s How I Gently Moved Them On … for Good!
Rats in the Attic? Here’s How I Gently Moved Them On … for Good!

When a clever rat moved into my attic, I didn’t reach for poison or traps or call “pest control.” Here’s how I got them out with compassion and creativity.

Entertainment 101

Pledge Never to Go to a Circus That Uses Animals
Pledge Never to Go to a Circus That Uses Animals

Big cats and other animals suffer when they are tormented and abused by circuses.

Step Right Up to One of These Compassionate, Animal-Free Circuses
Step Right Up to One of These Compassionate, Animal-Free Circuses

Stop supporting the “Cruelest Show on Earth” and choose from our list of compassionate, animal-free circuses.

Animal Companions 101

Convenient or Dangerous? Get the Scoop on Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes 
Convenient or Dangerous? Get the Scoop on Self-Cleaning Litter Boxes 

Are automatic, self-cleaning litter boxes safe for cats? Get the scoop on the drawbacks of using an automatic litter box and find out what PETA recommends instead.

© New Africa/
8 Reasons Why You Should Never Declaw Your Cats
Animal Companions
8 Reasons Why You Should Never Declaw Your Cats

Declawing isn’t like a manicure. It’s a painful and permanently crippling procedure.

Do Guinea Pigs Make Good ‘Starter Pets’ for Kids? No—Here’s Why
Animal Companions
Do Guinea Pigs Make Good ‘Starter Pets’ for Kids? No—Here’s Why

Do guinea pigs make good “starter pets” for kids? From the abuse they’re subjected to by breeders and pet stores to the specialized care they need, there are many reasons why not.

13 Things You Can Do to Find Your Lost Dog or Cat
Animal Companions
13 Things You Can Do to Find Your Lost Dog or Cat

Every second counts when your animal companion is missing. Here’s how to get your best friend back home again.

The Responsible Renter’s Guide to Animal-Friendly Housing
Animal Companions
The Responsible Renter’s Guide to Animal-Friendly Housing

There are many online resources for animal guardians on the go. Good luck with the search for your next home—with room for everyone you care for!

Pledge to End Animal Homelessness
Animal Companions
Pledge to End Animal Homelessness

Never breed or buy. Always adopt. Always spay and neuter. Pledge to help end animal homelessness.

The Vegan Dog-Food Guide: Tips for Feeding Your Canine Friends
Animal Companions
The Vegan Dog-Food Guide: Tips for Feeding Your Canine Friends

Looking for vegan dog food? Treats? Bones? We’ve got you covered.

Parenting 101

PETA’s First Children’s Book Shows That One Person Can Change the World
PETA’s First Children’s Book Shows That One Person Can Change the World

PETA’s first children’s book tells the compelling story of how a woman named Helga became a hero for cows—and how you can, too.

Keep a Kind Closet for Your Kids With Clothes From These All-Vegan Brands
Keep a Kind Closet for Your Kids With Clothes From These All-Vegan Brands

We’ve got a list of children’s clothes that are equal parts cute and compassionate so you can dress your kids in sustainable style.

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