Volunteer at PETA
Volunteer at Our Norfolk, Virginia, Headquarters

If you live outside the Hampton Roads area but still want to help, please click here to join the Action Team.
PETA volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and include student and community groups, teens, adults, and various professionals. No matter what your talents are, if you want to volunteer for animals, we have a place for you!
PETA provides a variety of rewarding opportunities at our headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, the Sam Simon Center, for those in the Hampton Roads area, including the following:
- Tabling at local fairs and festivals
- Attending seminars on topics such as companion animal care and wildlife rescue
- Doing office work, such as data entry, online research, preparation of mailings, phone calls, etc.
- Participating in local demonstrations and leafleting efforts to speak up for animals
- Traveling for PETA’s national demo tours
- Participating in PETA’s Adopt-a-Street Program
- Assisting in straw delivery efforts during the winter months
- Responding to various articles with letters to the editor
- Providing a loving foster home to a displaced animal for a few days
If you’re in the Hampton Roads area and would like to volunteer at our headquarters, please fill out the form below, which will also sign you up for PETA’s Action Team.
If you live outside the Hampton Roads area but still want to help, please click here to join the Action Team.
By submitting this form, you’re acknowledging that you have read and agree to our privacy policy and agree to receive e-mails from us.