Thinking Inside the Box About Leather

What do you say to a naked, bloody lady in a shoebox? How about “Hi”? No, that’s not a joke. It’s what Midwesterners must have been asking themselves as they encountered PETA’s latest demonstration, in which two of the aforementioned “bloody,” naked (well, nearly) women lay inside a giant shoebox. Check out the scene in … Read more »

Things You Might Have Missed (8-4-12)

PETA News on Tumblr Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr. Don’t call the female dolphins of Shark Bay, Australia, “fashion-obsessed.” They just prefer to bond with gals who dress like they do. Dolphins who choose to wear sponges on their noses to root in the sand for fish generally hang out with other … Read more »

Chickens Aren’t Gay at Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A, the house of the homophobic waffle fries, wants homosexual people just to accept not having equal rights and chickens just to accept having their throats slashed and being scalded to death.  But a flock of protesters crashed Chick-fil-A’s Appreciation Day to show that they don’t appreciate the fast-food chain’s efforts to keep people in … Read more »

Spam Turns 75, Still Gross

When pig abuser Hormel‘s notorious nonfood Spam turned 75, the company decided to celebrate its saturated fat, cholesterol, and pig abuse in a tin with a party. Never ones to let an opportunity to share animals’ side of things pass us by, PETA sent brave “piggies” into Hormel territory. As people lured by free food … Read more »

Things You Might Have Missed (7-28-12)

PETA News on Tumblr Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr. Here’s one of the most fun things that you’ll see all weekend: Morrissey’s version of a cat in the hat. The abuse that snake charmers inflict on snakes to make them “dance” is anything but charming, so PETA India offered a simple solution: … Read more »

Mayte Garcia Gets That ‘Caged Animal’ Feeling

“I just think about these animals that are there for months …. And the way they kill them—it’s just not needed, it’s not a necessity,” said actor Mayte Garcia, speaking out against fur farms on the set of the new ad she shot for PETA. “Doing this shoot and getting into the cage and putting … Read more »

Things You Might Have Missed (07-21-12)

PETA NEWS ON TUMBLR Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr.  This mayor could lick your mayor any day of the week. Art imitates life when art students join together to campaign to free the Philippines’ only captive elephant.  Alright, North Americans, it’s time for us to step up. Our birds are ingesting plastic … Read more »

Chicken Crashes Chick-fil-A’s Party

We’ve all seen the awesome YouTube videos of cows who were being lovey-dovey with dogs, cats, and all sorts of other animals. So it’s not surprising that a cow joined her chicken buddy at the opening of a Chick-fil-A food truck to ask people to be chicken champions and not eat either of them: On … Read more »

9 Items You Might Have Missed This Week

PETA NEWS ON TUMBLR Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr. Here’s a little Coolio parody to kick off your weekend: We were destined for the slaughterhouse and life looked grim ‘Til the farmer saw a piglet’s eyes and had mercy on him Now he believes that animals are friends, not food And we’re … Read more »

9 Things You May Have Missed This Week

Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr. PETA NEWS ON TUMBLR Don’t stop believin’, cows! Sporting goods company PUMA says it plans to stop using leather in the future. They can delay gratification, plan ahead, show empathy, share, and set goals and see them through. Who am I talking about? I’ll give you a … Read more »

12 Things You May Have Missed This Week

Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr. PETA NEWS ON TUMBLR Do you have 10 minutes to help animals this weekend? If so, watch this video and share it. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’ll just say that it’s one of the most convincing speeches I’ve ever seen from an unexpected source … Read more »

PETA Pounces on Parliament

After Canada’s House of Commons passed a budget bill that strikes down several environmental protection laws, PETA’s blue-painted supporters hit Ottawa’s Parliament Hill to rock the government’s world—almost literally—and to urge eco-conscious Canadians not to despair because they can still help save the planet by eating plant-based foods. According to the United Nations, the meat … Read more »

7 Things You May Have Missed This Week

Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr. PETA NEWS ON TUMBLR If you plan to spend part of the weekend knocking around the house, did you know that you can help animals every time you take out the trash? Been jamming to some One Direction? Guess what really makes you beautiful. Soccer moms aren’t … Read more »

14 Things You Might Have Missed This Week

Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr.  PETA NEWS ON TUMBLR The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health held a contest to create the most eye-catching and informative packaging for its free condoms, and … well, let’s just say that eye-catching and informative are what PETA does best.  Doctors say that the Atkins … Read more »

9 Things You Might Have Missed This Week

PETA News on Tumblr Don’t miss a thing: Follow PETA on Tumblr. Are you tweeting to your fullest potential? Find out here. Not all bullies are in the schoolyard—some are in the kitchen. PETA Certificate of Appreciation recipient Abby Casarella talks about organizing her first protest and other easier-than-she-expected activism accomplishments. New Features Oliver Stone‘s … Read more »

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