Culinary Educator Lesson: Vegan Replacements
As culinary students begin their careers in the food industry, it’s important for them to stay up to date on current trends. Vegan foods became even more mainstream in 2019, with Beyond Burgers at Carl’s Jr. and Denny’s, Beyond Sausage at Dunkin’, and even vegan chicken at KFC. “The Great Oat Milk Shortage” early in the year showed that people are ditching cow’s milk for plant-based milks that are better for their health, the environment, and animals. The high demand for vegan options is impossible for restaurants and food companies to ignore, and the boom in vegan food trends is only going to grow in 2020.
Introduce your students to the resources below to answer their questions and prompt creativity.
This Man Uses Science to Make Delicious Vegan Meals
‘Where Do You Get Your Protein?’

‘Where Do You Get Your Calcium?’

These Vegan Baking Swaps Are Simple and Delicious
Vegan Meat Is a Game-Changer
Water Wasters: Guess Which Ones Top the List
Introduce Students to Chefs Who Are Changing the Compassionate Culinary Game: Styles P—’Love Is Love,’ for Humans and Animals
Please share these resources to inspire other culinary teachers to incorporate compassion for animals into their curricula.