‘Chickens’ Crash International Poultry Party

Every year, people who exploit chickens and reduce them to bits in a bucket gather at the International Poultry Expo to congratulate each other on making money at it. So this year, PETA sent a flock of “birds” to suggest that attendees give a cluck about chickens: Banging on pots and pans and shouting, “We are … Read more »

Photo of the Day: Everybody Loves Obamacarrot!

Would PETA miss the chance to educate nearly 1 million people about the benefits of vegan eating? Kale no! Attendees of President Barack Obama’s inauguration were so smitten by Chris P. Carrot, Celery Stalk, and Mother Earth that they actually lined up to have their pictures taken with the patriotic trio and snatched up vegetarian/vegan … Read more »

2012 Was the Hottest Year on Record—but 2013 Could Be Cooler

Are you still trying to cool off from the scorcher that was 2012? Scientists report that it was the hottest year on record for the U.S.—but instead of blaming Mother Nature, we can point the finger at ourselves. “It is abundantly clear that we are seeing [human-caused] climate change in action,” according to Kevin Trenberth, … Read more »

PETA ‘Bear’ Leads Protest Outside Nightmarish Roadside Zoo

UPDATE: Victory! As the Chief Saunooke Bear Park struggled, a private benefactor offered to purchase all of the bears. The park quickly accepted the offer and the bears were finally retired to a spacious sanctuary. Read more about the victory and how the bears are doing now here. Originally posted on January 15, 2013: When … Read more »

A Call, a Car, a Can of Food, and a Dog Is Saved

A driver on a rural highway in Ohio spotted a dog lying on the side of the road. She stopped her car and got out to check on the dog but couldn’t tell much about her condition, other than that she appeared to be breathing. The driver called PETA but unfortunately hadn’t contacted local police … Read more »

Hey, Kids, Put Down the Killer Kites!

In India, kids celebrate the winter solstice, called Makar Sankranti, by flying kites. Sounds like a fun, harmless tradition, right? The trouble is that, as anybody who has seen The Kite Runner knows, kite-flying in the East can be extremely competitive—cutthroat, if you will. Many kite-flyers use glass-coated string called manja to sever their competitors’ kite … Read more »

PETA Gives Away the Greenest Shopping Bags

PETA made sure that grocery shoppers didn’t wind up in a pickle when the eco-friendly ban on plastic bags went into effect in Oakland, California. A convivial carrot and personable pickle offered shoppers at one grocery store free tote bags that were greener than a cucumber salad. That’s because not only did the bags help shoppers … Read more »

Victory! United Airlines Stops All Shipments of Primates to Laboratories

We have very exciting news to share. Earlier this week, a representative from United Airlines phoned PETA to say that the airline will no longer transport primates for use in experiments anywhere in the world! In order to ensure that animal experimenters get the message loud and clear, United even posted the new policy on its … Read more »

13 Surprising Ways Your 2013 New Year’s Resolutions Help Animals, Too

Would you like to help animals more but your list of New Year’s resolutions is already stretching to War and Peace proportions? Not to worry—chances are good that your resolutions can already help animals every day. As PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk illustrates in her book Making Kind Choices, the simple decisions that we make … Read more »

Holiday Shoppers, Put Down That Boring Tie—and Read This!

Tired of giving your family and friends neckties, candles, and pairs of gloves every year? Most of us already have overstuffed closets, and really, how much cinnamon aroma can one take? This year, think outside the tie box and give a PETA Present. Make your friends and family all warm inside by letting them “deliver” … Read more »

Start 2013 Off on the Right Paw—Resolve to Ban Chaining

Want to have a New Year’s celebration that’s “off da chain”? Start by getting dogs off theirs. (Chains, that is.) Since it’s time to make resolutions, make one of yours a pledge to see an end to chaining in your community by year’s end—all it takes is persuading local officials to make (and then pass) … Read more »

Photo: PETA’s ‘Angels’ Ask Shoppers to Be Divine to Animals

If holiday shoppers needed divine intervention to persuade them to keep animal skins off their lists, that’s exactly what they got. A saintly duo of PETA “angels” has been crisscrossing Canada in cherubic attire to help people in the frozen north be angelic to animals this winter by eschewing fur, leather, wool, down, and exotic skins.  … Read more »

PETA Celebrates the Launch of PETA Latino

In the giant melting pot that we call “home,” the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population is people of Latin-American descent. We’ve seen how strongly this demographic has influenced American culture—including politics, food, and entertainment—and now it’s time to unleash that power to benefit animals. There are more than 50 million Latinos in the United … Read more »

PETA Ensures Dead Animals Aren’t Forgotten at ‘The Hobbit’ Premiere

If director Peter Jackson were hoping people would forget about the controversy surrounding The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey at the film’s New York City premiere, he was in for a disappointment. Amidst the crowd that gathered to watch the cast and crew waltz into the Ziegfeld Theater were PETA members wearing horse masks and holding up … Read more »

Photos of the Day: Lingerie Football League Throws a Flag on Fur

The ladies of the Lingerie Football League are part of the NFL (No Fur League), and they want to make sure that everyone gets drafted. The BC Angels are the latest team to join PETA’s anti-fur campaign, asking Vancouver to “tackle cruelty: bench fur.” The gals had a ball tossing around the faux pigskin and talking to … Read more »

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