Holiday Shoppers, Put Down That Boring Tie—and Read This!
Tired of giving your family and friends neckties, candles, and pairs of gloves every year? Most of us already have overstuffed closets, and really, how much cinnamon aroma can one take? This year, think outside the tie box and give a PETA Present.

Make your friends and family all warm inside by letting them “deliver” comfort to a cold, lonely “outdoor dog” this winter, help save a rabbit from losing his or her fur for a collar, or help get an animal released from a laboratory. Or make personalized gifts—just choose the campaign that you are most passionate about and specify what you would like your donation to be used for.
Your gift recipients will receive an e-card on the date that you choose to let them know that they have helped an animal in need, and if you need to make use of all those tie boxes, you can print out the description of the gift to put under the tree.
It’s the season for tidings of comfort and joy—and we can help make it a little bit more comfortable and joyous for animals, too. Thank you!