PETA Victory Results in More Than $180,000 Payout From ‘Tiger King’ Villain Jeff Lowe

Jeff Lowe was slammed for “appalling cruelty” in PETA’s lawsuit win. Find out how you can help stop further suffering of animals at roadside zoos.

Record-Breaking Tiger Rescue to Follow Closure of One of the Worst Zoos in Asia

Long condemned by PETA Asia—including for an incident in which a baby elephant’s back legs broke during a trick—the notorious Phuket Zoo is finally closing its doors. See how the animals are finding true sanctuary at last.

6 Red Flags to Look Out For in ‘Tiger King 2’ and ‘The Doc Antle Story’

Look out for these animal welfare issues throughout Netflix’s “Tiger King 2” and spinoff series “The Doc Antle Story,” and never support roadside zoos.

Roadside Zoos and Exotic-Animal Breeders Make a Killing at Auctions

Every year, thousands of animals are shuffled through exotic animal auctions. At these events, complex individuals are quickly sold to the highest bidder.

Unlawful ‘Monkey Business’ at Petting Zoo: PETA Demands Investigation

Infamous for a history of zebra escapes, the owner of Jenny’s Petting Zoo is once again being cited by authorities, thanks to PETA.

PETA’s New Video Exposes ‘Tiger King 2’ Villain Tim Stark’s Cruelty to Cubs

A new PETA video includes footage of baby big cats who died at Tim Stark’s facility following declawing surgeries. Learn more about this “Tiger King 2” player.

RIGHT: © Washington County Sheriff's Office
Three Zebras Escaped Jerry Holly’s Exploitation—One Was Killed, the Other Two Were Relegated to His Hopeless Farm

The matter is as black and white as a zebra’s stripes: Zebras don’t want to be held in roadside zoos or used in traveling acts, nor should they be.

Don’t Be Fooled by the Name—Why ‘Animal Haven’ Zoo Is a Hellhole

Just how bad is Animal Haven Zoo in Wisconsin? The feds have cited it for a number of troubling animal welfare concerns.

Don’t Roll the Dice: All Animals at SeaQuest Las Vegas Are Unlucky

SeaQuest Las Vegas is a shady roadside aquarium with a troubling history of injuries to both animals and humans, including children.

Monterey Zoo: Unredacted Records Don’t Lie, but Apparently, the USDA Does

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is supposed to protect animals, not help boost the profits of animal-exploiting businesses like the Monterey Zoo.

Dangerous, Hands-On Encounters; Customers Bitten by Big Cats: PETA Exposes Zoological Wildlife Foundation

Following outreach from PETA, the USDA has cited roadside zoo ZWF in Miami numerous times over concerning violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

Feds Crack Down on Roadside Zoos After PETA Blows Whistle on Baby Exotic-Cat Abuse

Exotic-cat cubs are torn away from their mothers to be used for photo ops when they’re just hours, days, or weeks old. You can help these animals.

From Misery in Missouri to a Greater Life at True Sanctuaries—Find Out How PETA Won for THESE Chimpanzees!

Where are Tammy and the other chimpanzees who were once suffering at the now-defunct Missouri Primate Foundation now? See for yourself!

Feds Bust ‘Walnut Prairie Wildside’ After Push From PETA

Following PETA complaints, the feds cited Walnut Prairie Wildside’s owner, Thomas Edmonds, for numerous animal welfare violations, leading to a 21-day license suspension.

Python Escapes Enclosure in Shopping Mall—Stand Against Seedy Mall Aquariums!

A 12-foot-long python got loose in a shopping mall—but why was she there in the first place? The answer may shock you.

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