Bet You’re Not Kinder Than This Fifth-Grader!

When 10-year-old Nicky Schwarz learned that the principal of his California elementary school had agreed to eat fried worms if the students read for a half-million minutes, this kind kid sprang into action. Nicky circulated a petition calling for an alternative to the event and rallied his friends and classmates to speak up, too—and the … Read more »

Suffering Puppy Left for Dead

When little Pokey’s family moved away, they simply left the malnourished, close-to-death puppy in the yard like an old sofa—except that sofas don’t get scared, go hungry or thirsty, or suffer and die when you turn your back on them, never to return. Although Pokey was about 7 months old, she was as small as … Read more »

Get Your Nuggets—From PETA

Every animal advocate has been faced with a challenging situation at some point, be it a question we aren’t quite sure how to answer or even a person who is downright rude. In her 30 years at PETA’s helm, President Ingrid E. Newkirk has faced them all, and she wanted to share her wisdom for … Read more »

Sweltering in August … in Fur

Imagine how it must feel to have to wear a heavy coat outside in August! PETA members in Lansing, Michigan, no longer have to wonder after sitting in cages on a hot sidewalk in order to illustrate the misery of animals on fur farms during hot weather, when they have no escape from the heat. … Read more »

Bathing Beauty Makes a Splash in Scotland

Nearly nude professional model—and  vegetarian—Megan Currie sudsed up in a tub in Edinburgh, Scotland, for World Water Week while policymakers met in Sweden to discuss global water issues. The bathing PETA UK beauty informed passersby that it takes the equivalent of 50 bathtubs filled with water to produce just one steak. “Not only does the meat … Read more »

PETA Pig Pesters President

When President Obama held an economic forum in Peosta, Iowa, on Tuesday, PETA supporters were there getting piggy with it. A staffer was passing out leaflets at the forum when a group of enthusiastic young people ran up to her and offered to help with the demonstration. One donned the pig costume, and the others … Read more »

Pretty in Paint: Models Heat Up Sidewalk

What do cows, snakes, and foxes all agree on? That they would prefer to keep their skin right where it is, thank you very much. All three species (represented by body-painted PETA members) joined forces in Knoxville, Tennessee, to ask people to wear their own skin, not animals’. After our gals were done turning Knoxville … Read more »

PETA Keeps Leather Store Closed

PETA’s macabre protest outside the Louisville, Kentucky, leather goods store Leatherheads on Tuesday morning was apparently really scary—so scary that employees refused to open the store until our corpses made ghosts of themselves. Instead of a dead animal skins, everyone who passed by Leatherheads during our protest left with pictures of the “deceased” and information … Read more »

‘Dogs’ and ‘Cats’ Fight for Lab Protection

The following was first published on Animal Writes: PETA UK’s Blog Looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Almost 100 PETA U.K. supporters took part in an eye-catching photo opportunity in London Saturday to demand that the government not adopt lower standards of protection for animals in laboratories when it incorporates the E.U.’s new directive regulating animal experiments later … Read more »

Drivers Get Rear-Ended by PETA

Sometimes, when you’re trying to show people the benefits of a vegan diet, you have to get a little cheeky. These PETA beauties’ bottoms came out on top when Charlotte, North Carolina, residents came out in throngs to take pictures of their thongs. Their supply of hundreds of vegetarian/vegan starter kits was gone before the … Read more »

Cows Invade Vegas

Even through-the-roof mercury levels couldn’t stop our mootivated herd of cows from descending on the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas to demand their skins back. Folks attending the shoe convention inside became curious when they heard the musical stylings of lead bovine Meggan Anderson on the cowbell and came out to snap pictures of … Read more »

PETA Stops Traffic In LA

The world didn’t come to an end when road crews shut down 10 miles of one of Los Angeles’ busiest freeways this past weekend, but the absence of the usual bumper-to-bumper traffic on the 405 was certainly an other-worldly scene. Then there was a heavenly vision: PETA members reminding the hardy motorists who dared to … Read more »

Photo of the Week: Baring it All in the Big Easy

When our beauties in the buff graced Bourbon Street to show that baring skin is better than wearing skin, one passerby was so inspired that he shed his shirt and joined in. While it takes a lot to raise eyebrows in New Orleans, the ladies (and gent) managed to capture the attention of hundreds of … Read more »

Ruining the Running of the Bulls

More than 100 supporters of PETA U.K. and the Spanish group AnimaNaturalis lay naked and “bloodied” in Pamplona’s main square on Sunday to protest the cruel bull runs and subsequent bullfights, in which bulls are tortured and killed during the city’s annual festival of San Fermín.      They aren’t the only ones exposing Spain’s … Read more »

10-Year-Old Takes McDonald’s Execs to Task

Most kids get butterflies in their stomachs when they have to read a book report aloud in class. This week, bright elementary student Rose McCoy spoke before hundreds of McDonald’s investors and executives at the company’s annual meeting. Armed with 20,000 of the nearly 125,000 signatures that PETA collected from young consumers, our superstar volunteer brilliantly … Read more »

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