Take Action for Animals: Steer the Conversation

Animal activist Michelle Doers was reading Animal Times when she first learned about actor James Cromwell’s arrest at the University of Wisconsin (UW) for protesting its heinous experiments on cats. That’s when she remembered reading about something else in the PETA publication: a woman who wrapped her car in an ad to raise awareness about animal … Read more »

PETA to Columbus Mayor: Enforce Your Own Laws!

At PETA, we know that some rules (such as being quiet in meetings) are meant to be broken, but anti-cruelty laws should never be ignored. That’s why when we heard that Ringling Bros. was going to Columbus, Ohio, and taking elephants and abusive bullhooks with it, we wrote to the mayor asking him to enforce … Read more »

5 Easy Things You Can Do to Help Animals in Laboratories

This year, we have something to celebrate as we commemorate World Week for Animals in Laboratories. After 30 years of pressure from PETA and other organizations, Harvard Medical School’s New England Primate Research Center is shutting its doors. This milestone victory proves that even the mightiest can fall—or do better, move on, or modernize. And … Read more »

Listen to Your Mother (Earth): Go Vegan!

In the ’80s, people sang “We Are the World,” but for Earth Day 2013, PETA gave that idea a very literal spin: Instead of wearing their hearts on their sleeves, these good folks took off their sleeves (and everything else) in favor of blue and green bodypaint for a demonstration in Vancouver. They reminded everyone … Read more »

PETA Horns In on Annual Meetings to End Dehorning

Big dairy better be wary. Casey Affleck and Ryan Gosling have helped us expose dairy farms’ cruel practice of dehorning calves to the public, and now PETA is appealing directly to dairy distributors’ shareholders. We bought stock in several dairy companies and businesses that have dairy farms in their supply chains so that we could … Read more »

Photo of the Day: Bring It on Down to Veganville—PETA-Style

Come on—you know we couldn’t let Justin Timberlake‘s performance at the White House go unmarked by a tribute to his immortal Saturday Night Live skit in which he (literally) sang the praises of vegan eating: Are you thinkin’ about your he-ealth, oh, oh? Then veg out! No meat, so chic.

PETA Pig: ‘HoneyBaked Ham Killed My Mom’

Last Friday was especially good for animals. In honor of the Christian holiday Good Friday, PETA pigs were out in front of the HoneyBaked Ham store in Oakland, California, and lots of other stores, too, joined by friends holding signs like the one below and “It’s a Good Friday to Go Vegan.” We also handed … Read more »

PETA President Bound and Force-Fed During Protest

PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk put her money where her mouth is—in a very literal sense—in an eye-catching protest outside British retailer Fortnum & Mason’s Piccadilly store this week.  The protest illustrated what geese endure while they are being raised for the foie gras sold in Fortnum & Mason stores. But in order to replicate … Read more »

Ringling Slammed by Largest Protest in New York History

Because of the throngs of people who had gathered outside to protest, it was hard to spot those who were trickling into Brooklyn’s Barclays Center on Ringling Bros. circus’s opening night. More than 200 animal advocates came together to make sure that Ringling’s reception was chillier than a New York winter. While half the group … Read more »

Jenna Dewan-Tatum Speaks Up for Global Captive Breeders Victims

Actor and PETA pal Jenna Dewan-Tatum has added her name to those of the tens of thousands of compassionate people calling on Riverside County, California, District Attorney Paul Zellerbach to file felony cruelty charges against those responsible for the horrific neglect of animals at Global Captive Breeders, LLC (GCB). © StarMaxInc.com Following PETA’s undercover investigation of Lake … Read more »

Update: Papa John’s Changes Statement—Still Needs to Change Its Ways

Confronted by PETA over misleading propaganda, Papa John’s has amended its opposition statement to remove outright falsehoods since it’s clear that calves suffer miserably when their horn buds are burnt off or developing horns are gouged out or cut off. What Papa John’s really needs to do is to stop opposing PETA’s shareholder resolution and take … Read more »

Show Some Love—to Horses

How do horses show love? They nuzzle and groom each other. How do people show love to horses? By refusing to ride in a horse-drawn carriage. On most Valentine’s Days, record numbers of these sensitive, skittish animals are forced to drag carriages full of people across the hard pavement, dodging loud traffic and breathing exhaust … Read more »

Add Your Name Now: 7 Days to Close Gas Chambers

In just one week, we could require the Obama administration to address the fact that animals are still being killed in gas chambers. It’s up to us. Currently posted to the White House’s “We the People” petition site is an appeal asking for federal attention to the suffering that animals endure when they are gassed. … Read more »

Your Last Chance to See Naked People in San Francisco (NSFW)

Last week marked the end of legal public nudity in San Francisco—and you wouldn’t expect PETA to sit it out, would you? Several all-star volunteers gathered full-monty style at City Hall to protest the theft of animals’ skins by declaring that they are comfortable in their own skin.  Unlike humans, who can (or at least used … Read more »

Pig and Cow One-Up Meaty Chefs at D.C.’s Meat Week

The carcass-cooking food trucks that signed up for the barbecue competition at D.C.’s Meat Week got thoroughly smoked—by a pig, a cow, and some meat-free meatballs.  PETA members and their costumed counterparts set out to give Meat Week attendees some flesh-free options, but as it turned out, meat-free was the only way to be: The … Read more »

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