Monkeys Stuffed Into Cargo Holds, Shipped Illegally to U.S. Labs

Since the USDA isn’t interested in doing its job, PETA is looking for a federal agency that is. Next up: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Victory! Air France to Ban Transport of Monkeys Following Mile-High PETA Campaign

After a decade of PETA campaigns, Air France has added monkeys to its “No Fly” list. Read on to learn how you can take action for monkeys.

The Danger on Our Highways: Transport of Lab-Bound Monkeys

In this powerful op-ed, PETA’s primate scientist explains how the truck crash that left three monkeys dead, others likely injured, and one woman with an infected eye exposed the dangers of transporting monkeys destined for labs.

Victims of a Truck Crash: Three People Killed by Authorities; Survivors Shipped to Lab

Who are monkeys like the ones in the news after a truck accident in Pennsylvania?

Animal Companions
Dog Dies in Airport Warehouse—PETA Wants Cargo Company Held Responsible

Alliance Ground International is reportedly complicit in transporting monkeys to their deaths in laboratories. And it just let a dog die in an airport warehouse.

Arrival of 500 Puppies—38 Reportedly Dead—in Canada Speaks to Bigger Issue

This “horror show” is evidence of a widespread problem: Millions of American dogs are euthanized each year, yet thousands are shipped from overseas, adding to the death toll.

Want Some Good News? Take a Look at PETA’s Victories So Far in 2020

PETA is going full steam ahead to make the world a brighter place. See all the ways we’ve helped animals in just the first three months of the year.

What You Should Do After Watching National Geographic’s ‘The Hot Zone’

It’s been 30 years since 1989’s Ebola-Reston crisis, yet Air France still ships monkeys to the U.S. and laboratories like Covance still torment and kill them.

Photos: ‘Dying Monkey’ Begs Russia Not to Send Primates to Mars

A striking protest outside the Russian Embassy in London today urged Russia’s space agency to abandon its unethical “monkeys on Mars” mission.

Good News! Portuguese Airline Bans Cruel Animal Shipments

TAP Portugal confirmed that it will no longer ship shark fins, hunting trophies or animals destined for laboratories after hearing from PETA.

See How Berliners React to Monkey Sounds Coming From This Mysterious ‘Air France’ Cargo Crate

A street action by PETA Germany captures just how uneasy most members of the public feel when they learn about Air France’s secretive primate shipments.

Jane Goodall Asks UPS to Stop Shipping Animal Trophies

The iconic African wildlife defender penned a letter to the company urging it to stop shipping the carcasses of exotic animals.

How Do Monkeys End Up in Labs? See the Haunting Photos

Life is hell for monkeys in laboratories—and so is the journey to get there.

Victory! Japan Airlines Stops Shipping Monkeys to Labs

Japan Airlines joins virtually every major airline in the world in banning these cruel shipments.

Air France and Three Other Companies Exposed at Their Own Meetings

Paris is the City of Love, but Air France’s annual meeting was full of anything but.

© Jallal Seddiki
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