Victory: Galesburg, Illinois, City Council Swears Off Goose Massacres!

Update (March 9, 2023): The Galesburg City Council has agreed to forgo the proposed goose massacre in favor of a humane, multipronged approach and to use such measures in the future! Thank you to everyone who spoke out. Original post: According to media reports, city officials in Galesburg, Illinois, are considering hiring a contractor to … Read more »

Urge Country Club in Palm Desert, CA, to Forgo Gunning Down Birds!

Urge management at Desert Falls Country Club to forgo killing and employ tried-and-true humane tactics instead.

Urge Ochsner Baptist Hospital in New Orleans to Ditch Glue Traps!

Please politely e-mail the hospital’s facilities director and request that any glue traps be ditched immediately.

Foxes in Ocean Isle Beach, N.C., Get Reprieve From Being Mauled by Dogs!

Please take a moment to e-mail the board and urge it to scrap the plan to trap foxes.

Urge The Home Depot to Stop Selling Cruel Glue Traps

Please contact The Home Depot and demand that it stop profiting off the cruel killing of animals.

New Jersey’s Bears Face Being Massacred—AGAIN! Act Now to Stop the Slaughter

New Jersey’s bears urgently need your help. Thank Murphy for having staunchly advocated for bears, and politely urge him not to turn his back on these regal wild animals now.

Ask Your Local Politicians to Establish an Official ‘Trash Fishing’ Day in Your Community!
Urge Dollarama to Stop Selling Vile Glue Traps

Please urge Dollarama to ban their sale at all its stores.

Please Urge the Village of Lincolnwood, IL, to Enforce Its Ordinances!

Please politely urge the mayor of Lincolnwood and board of trustees members to enforce ordinance 11-3-18 by prohibiting the keeping of all “naturally wild animals” and to prohibit the sale of cats, dogs, and rabbits from breeders—because it’s the right thing to do.

Sulcata Tortoise in Illinois Needs Your Help!

Please urge Bearman to do the right thing by letting Spur live as she deserves—or at the very least to vastly upgrade her environment.

Update: Deadly Gull Deterrent Removed!

A rescuer discovered dead and decomposing birds, the apparent victims of a grid-wire system evidently installed as a means of deterring birds from landing and roosting on the building.

UPDATE: Kansas Bank Cancels Plans to Force Wild-Caught Turtles to ‘Race’

Please politely urge the bank and the county’s chamber of commerce, which appears to be advertising the “race,” to do the right thing by scrapping this cruel event.

California Walmart Distribution Center Reportedly Uses Vile Glue Traps

PETA has received an urgent report that a Walmart Distribution Center in Apple Valley, California, uses glue traps. Heartbreaking photos from the facility depict one mouse who had died while trapped, surely after struggling for her life in terror and desperation. Victims of these sadistic contraptions suffer immensely, succumbing to shock, dehydration, asphyxiation, or blood … Read more »

151 Nights of Fireworks Are Terrorizing Companion Animals and Wildlife in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Please urge Canada’s Niagara Falls Tourism to drop this traumatizing bombardment and switch to a cutting-edge, visually dazzling laser or drone show, which would allow everyone to experience a quieter, cleaner, and less stressful summer.

California Community Might Gun Down Rabbits to Protect Lawns?

PETA has received complaints from upset residents of Mission Viejo, California, regarding an application seeking permission to hire a contractor to shoot and kill wild rabbits that was filed by Palmia, a gated senior community. According to news sources, Palmia has been massacring rabbits since 2010 because the animals have a tendency to munch on … Read more »

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