Sulcata Tortoise in Illinois Needs Your Help!
The Animal Store, a pet store in Lincolnwood, Illinois, evidently keeps a 42-year-old sulcata tortoise named Spur, who weighs over 70 pounds, imprisoned inside a small enclosure where she continually paces and tries in vain to climb up the sides. In nature, sulcata tortoises roam for miles through grasslands and savannahs, burrowing deep into the earth for moisture and to retreat from the sun and stressors. Wild tortoises may choose to settle into confined spaces, but that’s voluntary and always temporary. Spur’s enclosure doesn’t appear to have a basking area, allow for natural types of behavior such as exploring and grazing, or offer any dedicated spot for her to burrow into sand or mud. Furthermore, captive tortoises experience stress when subjected to artificial stimuli and the presence of humans, whom they view as predators. Potentially fatal immunodeficiency diseases and related ailments can result.

PETA has written to the owner of The Animal Store, Kenneth Bearman, more than once, imploring him to allow Spur to be transferred to an accredited sanctuary, where she could thrive during her twilight years, apparently to no avail. This dignified tortoise needs your help now! Please urge Bearman to do the right thing by letting Spur live as she deserves—or at the very least to vastly upgrade her environment. Then share this alert with everyone you know!
Politely contact Bearman and The Animal Store:
E-mail Bearman at [email protected].
Leave a message on the store’s Facebook page.