Tim Gunn’s Fashion Bible, Rule #1: Fur Is Out

Fashionistas around the globe were in for a treat when Tim Gunn released his third book, Tim Gunn’s Fashion Bible: The Fascinating History of Everything in Your Closet. Animals were in for a treat, too, when Tim devoted nearly half his chapter “Coats and Jackets” to explaining “why fur belongs in the dustbin of history.” … Read more »

UPS, FedEx, and DHL Won’t Ship Cruel Cargo

PETA’s Air Cruelty campaign has flown from success to success, and it’s still soaring—three top cargo shipping companies have joined the still-growing list of carriers that refuse to transport any animals to be burned, blinded, poisoned, and cut up alive in laboratories! iStockphoto.com/EcoPic  Compassion Takes Wing As reported in Nature magazine, after talks with PETA, … Read more »

UW Experimenters Made to Face the Music

Students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (UW) likely had no idea that as they made their way to class, they were passing by a laboratory in which cats, exactly like the ones many of the students would return home to, were being tormented and killed in gruesome experiments. But PETA set out to show the students … Read more »

Goat Mutilators Face Congressional Wrath

The military contractor that was responsible for hacking apart inadequately anesthetized goats in a crude military trauma training exercise exposed by PETA wants to conduct 24 more training courses—but it won’t get the chance if Congress can help it. [View: Violations Abound Tier 1 Group, LLC, was made infamous when PETA released a video exposé … Read more »

Experimenters Starve Monkeys, Learn Nothing

For more than two decades, experimenters at the National Institute on Aging (NIA, part of the National Institutes of Health) and the University of Wisconsin–Madison (UW–Madison) starved caged monkeys—depriving them of a whopping 30 percent of needed calories—to see if this would increase their longevity. Now, the vivisectors at NIA have announced that the extreme, … Read more »

PETA Becomes Part Owner of Revlon

For more than two decades, Revlon was a member of PETA’s Caring Consumer program and refused to allow animals to be poisoned, burned, and blinded in tests of its products. But the company is now on the “Do Test” list after Revlon started selling products in China where animal tests are required for most cosmetics. Although … Read more »

Monkey Torture Laboratory Must Pay

In response to a series of significant animal welfare violations and complaints filed by PETA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has taken the rare step of fining the Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) almost $12,000 for repeated violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act. ONPRC imprisons, sickens, terrorizes, and mutilates thousands of monkeys … Read more »

Egypt Eliminates Trauma Training Cruelty

Thanks to a donation of simulation equipment from PETA, goats will no longer have holes cut into their chests and necks and be killed for trauma training exercises in Egypt. piddy77|cc by 2.0 Traumatic Trauma Training Earlier this year, PETA was contacted by Dr. Abdelhakim Elkholy—director of the Egyptian Life Support Training Center (ELSTC) in … Read more »

Victory! Cruelty Won’t Fly With Air China

Following a vigorous PETA campaign, Air China has confirmed that it’s joining nearly every other airline worldwide by refusing to transport monkeys to laboratories. The airline’s decision comes less than 24 hours after PETA asked its Facebook and Twitter followers to call Air China Cargo’s main office at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport … Read more »

Bill to Protect Chimpanzees Moves Forward

Update: In 2015, following pressure from PETA and other animal advocates, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that all captive chimpanzees would now be reclassified as “endangered,” effectively ending invasive experiments on our closest living genetic relatives. In addition, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) promised to retire all federally owned chimpanzees to sanctuaries. … Read more »

‘All Great Truths Begin as Blasphemies’

Today would be the 156th birthday of George Bernard Shaw (“Bernard” to his friends), which is an occasion worth noting. If you’re not familiar with the work of this independent-minded Irish playwright and provocateur, you’re missing out. Shaw managed to speak truth to power with such humor, clarity, and intelligence that the powerful ended up … Read more »

Urban Decay Grabs PETA Award

Hip cosmetics company Urban Decay has earned PETA’s Courage in Commerce Award for putting animals ahead of market share and reversing its decision to sell in China, where animals are harmed and killed in product tests. The company’s decision followed talks with PETA and thousands of e-mails from disappointed consumers. While many companies have shed … Read more »

Urban Decay Restored to Cruelty-Free List

Update Great news! Following thousands of your e-mails and talks with PETA, Urban Decay has announced that it won’t sell its products in China until non-animal testing methods are accepted there. We are delighted that Urban Decay is staying true to its ethic of producing top-quality products without harming animals—even though it means giving up … Read more »

Americans Agree: Animal Testing Is Wrong

The movement to end vivisection is gaining more allies every year!

An Independence Day Gift for Military’s Animals

Our servicemembers aren’t the only ones who make sacrifices for our freedom. Their companion animals often endure frequent moves, months of not seeing one of their beloved guardians, and all the other hardships that come with life in the military. To celebrate Independence Day, PETA honored the loyal four-legged companions of servicemembers in Southeastern Virginia … Read more »

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