Where Did Allie Go?

My friend Allie, who sits at the desk next to me at the office, left work early a couple of days ago and asked me if I could finish up one of her projects for her. She hasn’t been in the office since then, and I just kind of assumed that she was taking a … Read more »

Fetal Meat Syndrome

Does eating meat affect sperm count? Tom Simpson/Creative Commons OK, so there is plenty of talk about the whole meat-eating/impotence connection. I mean, who can forget Rocket Boy, Brad and all the rest? But the new research in the UK linking meat consumption by pregnant women with low sperm counts in their sons 25+ years … Read more »

David Letterman on Circuses

allstarz.hollywood.com/Creative Commons Just a quick little tidbit for you, because this was just too good to leave unremarked: Did anyone catch David Letterman’s comments about Ringling coming to Madison Square Garden on his show last night? “Ringling Brothers circus is coming back to Madison Square Garden. How about that? What they do, they bring the … Read more »

Burger King Blazes a Trail

Burger King has announced a series of animal welfare improvements that put it right at the forefront of the fast-food industry in terms of holding its suppliers accountable for the way they treat their animals. As of today, the company will be requiring 2 percent of its eggs to come from hens who are not … Read more »

Colonel Sanders Fricassee in Memphis

My friend Lindsay, who’s on tour at the moment exposing some of the sordid truths about KFC, just sent me some pics of a little street theater she did in Memphis to turn the tables on Colonel Sanders. Lindsay is actually extremely good at just explaining the issue to people when the subject of KFC … Read more »

Shirley Manson of Garbage’s New Ad

Being outspoken, sexy, and super talented are three things that pretty much sum up Garbage frontwoman Shirley Manson in a nutshell. Of course, I say Garbage frontwoman, even though she’s currently on hiatus from the band doing her own solo thing, because being the emo boy that I am at heart, I’ll always love her … Read more »

Bloody Canadian Flag Flying Over Our Office

I’m experimenting with more descriptive titles for these entries—I feel like this one really gets the point across. There’s often some pretty wild stuff going on outside PETA HQ here in Norfolk, and I’m sometimes a little trepidatious when I come into work in the mornings, because there’s always a chance there’ll be a huge … Read more »

Joss Stone’s New PETA Ad

Listening to British R&B songstress Joss Stone hum a tune is pretty much all it would take for me to fall in love, but Joss clearly wanted to make sure she had all her bases covered by a) being really frickin pretty, b) going out of her way to help animals, and c) being (as … Read more »

The Diner is Back!

The last time I heard about The Diner, it was in the bottom of a ravine in Europe somewhere, Spain, I think. My friend Sean, who was driving it all over Europe, apparently hadn’t worked out that when you’re towing a giant RV full of Jesus and other famous vegetarians throughout history, you need to … Read more »

Amazing News to Start the Weekend

This is actually really incredible, and it’s been a long time coming. A couple of months ago, I wrote about a lab Iams was using to test its food that was under investigation by the USDA. Well, I just found out that the lab just agreed to a $33,000 civil penalty after federal investigators alleged … Read more »

Speak Up for Seals in Memory of Anna Nicole

The largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet, the Canadian seal hunt, is slated to start next week, and as you may remember, Anna Nicole Smith was one of its most outspoken critics. So we thought it would be nice to honor her this year by bringing back her petition to the Prime Minister … Read more »

Ex Air Force Sergeant Michelle Manhart Naked Again

OK, so here’s Michelle Manhart’s story in case you guys haven’t heard it: This January, Michelle was suspended and then demoted by the air force when it came out that she had posed for a Playboy shoot. After the scandal broke, and the air force made a bunch of prudish comments, Michelle decided that if … Read more »

Iams Update: Cruelty Charges, Lawsuit, What to Do

IAMS was owned by another company when this investigation took place in 2007. We’re getting tons of calls from people who are concerned about the Iams recall, and PETA’s been a flurry of Iams-related activity this morning, so I figured I’d fill you in on all the new information. Just on the offchance that you … Read more »

GoVeg.com: Master of the Google Universe

Not sure how many of you will care, but I thought I’d share some cool geeky news that I’m pretty excited about. Have you noticed how I’ve been hyperlinking the word vegetarian a bit lately? Well, our resident search guru Joel Bartlett has been at me to do it because it helps with “Search Engine … Read more »

Iditarod Racer Disqualified for Abusing His Dogs

If you read my posts on the Iditarod in the past couple of weeks, you’ll know that this particular issue gets me kind of riled up. Not only do people seem to think that the fact that it’s a “tradition” somehow justifies the cruelty inherent in the event, but I’ve even heard people try to … Read more »

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