Iams Update: Cruelty Charges, Lawsuit, What to Do

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

IAMS was owned by another company when this investigation took place in 2007.

We’re getting tons of calls from people who are concerned about the Iams recall, and PETA’s been a flurry of Iams-related activity this morning, so I figured I’d fill you in on all the new information. Just on the offchance that you haven’t heard this story yet, here’s a quick recap: After an unknown number of cats and dogs died of kidney failure from eating tainted pet food, Menu Foods, a contract manufacturer for Proctor & Gamble’s Iams and Eukanuba brands, has recalled 60 million cans of pet food from stores nationwide. If you’re worried about your own animals, click here for the full information about the recall on Menu Foods’ site, or you can call them at 1-866-463-6738 and 1-866-895-2708. Not to cause too much alarm and despondency here, but if you do suspect that your animal has become seriously ill, the best thing to do (as always in such cases) is gently carry them to the car and rush to the nearest veterinarian.

There have been some murmurings about class action suits being filed against the company, and CBS has reported on someone in Chicago who is suing. We’ve also written a letter to Proctor & Gamble about this issue, which you can read here, and we’re calling on prosecutors to investigate whether cruelty charges should be filed against Menu Canada, Menu Foods, and Iams for alleged failure to warn consumers about the tainted food as soon as they had the information and—just as disturbingly—apparently feeding the tainted food to cats and dogs in order to test it.

As our letter to Iams points out, this isn’t the first time Proctor & Gamble have been responsible for dog deaths: Our investigation into the company a few years ago caught them cutting out huge chunks of muscle from their test subjects’ legs and leaving them to suffer for days. I’ve posted footage of that investigation below, and you can find a list of pet-food companies that don’t test on animals here.

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This incident should serve as a wake-up call to Iams that it’s time to abandon all laboratory testing on animals. Click here to let Iams know that you won’t buy while animals die, and click here to contact Menu Foods to demand answers and an end to all their laboratory tests on animals.

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