Joan Jett to Norway: Dump Seal Fur

As Norway and Canada prepare for a World Trade Organization hearing on their appeal of the European Union’s ban on seal imports, rocker Joan Jett personally delivered an urgent letter on PETA’s behalf to the Norwegian minister of foreign affairs calling on Norway to make the hearings and submissions public. Just one Norwegian company purchases … Read more »

Head Bangers Love Kittens, Too

 If heavy metal music doesn’t conjure up visions of playful puppies and fluffy bunnies, maybe it should. These metalheads are proving that nothing rocks like being kind to animals: One of the “hottest women in metal”  is also one of the most compassionate. Alissa White-Gluz, who sings in band The Agonist, says that as a … Read more »

Tragedy Seal Strikes Back

Tragedy Seal, the socially conscious friend of Socially Awkward Penguin, has really gotten people’s creative juices flowing. PETA supporters have been flocking … err … swimming(?) to our website to submit their own inspired Tragedy Seal slogans protesting Canada’s annual slaughter, during which thousands of baby seals are bludgeoned or shot. You can see the … Read more »

Canada’s Pathetic Ploy to Keep Killing Seals

As Canada’s annual seal slaughter garners worldwide disgust, the government is frantically grasping at straws in its effort to prop up this cruel, dying industry. Despite the fact that Canada spent millions of taxpayer dollars this year to promote the massacre, very few sealers took part. Of the 400,000 seals allowed to be killed, 37,609 animals … Read more »

‘Tragedy Seal’ Makes the Massacre Personal

Socially Awkward Penguin, make room on the ice floe for a new misfortune meme. Tragedy Seal, currently making his way around the Internet, is like every other Canadian seal who wants to snuggle with his mom and play with his friends. Then, with a resounding thud, sealers kill that idea and the baby seal himself.  … Read more »

William Shatner Gives Tax Advice to PM

Just in time for Canada’s tax day, William Shatner has news for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper: He’s living in deep space if he thinks the annual seal slaughter is fiscally responsible. In a letter to the prime minister, Canadian-born Shatner says, “Not only is it cruel to bludgeon and shoot thousands of seals every year, the slaughter … Read more »

©Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Help Iggy Pop Celebrate His Birthday!

Rock icon Iggy Pop is celebrating his 64th birthday today. His lust for life includes seals’ lives, so to help him celebrate, please take a moment and e-mail Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Canadian ambassadors around the world and ask them to put a stop to Canada’s annual baby seal slaughter.    Written by Michelle … Read more »

What’s the Worst Way That Canada Harms Seals?

The results are in from PETA’s text-messaging poll asking people to choose the worst way that Canada abuses seals during the annual commercial baby seal slaughter, which is happening right now. Thousands voted, and here are their choices: Ripping live seals’ skin off: 43% Bashing seals’ heads in: 33% Hooking seals in the eye with a … Read more »

Karina Smirnoff Takes It All Off—Again

Lovely Dancing With the Stars pro Karina Smirnoff graces the May cover of Playboy magazine. But before she was a Playboy bunny, Karina stood up for bunnies killed for their fur in a steamy ad for PETA.  As Karina shows, the sexiest thing that you can wear is compassion. Be a honey for bunnies and sign … Read more »

Watch a Sealer Get What He Deserves

How many times have you read about the bludgeoning and live skinning of baby seals and thought, “Man, I would love to see those seal murderers get what’s coming to them”? Well, here’s the video you’ve been waiting for. After you have a nice fist-pump at a seal hunter’s expense, visit for more ways … Read more »

Kesha and Iggy Pop Aren’t Into Clubbing

Both Kesha and Iggy Pop love a good beat—but not in Canada, where baby seals are beaten, shot, and sometimes skinned alive for their fur.

Celebrities Tweet Seals Right

Celebrities took to Twitter yesterday to make a huge splash for seals. We asked compassionate celebrity supporters to tweet a message to their fans telling them that the Canadian commercial seal slaughter had begun and including a link to our “It’s Time to End the Seal Slaughter” donation page. So many of them responded that our … Read more »

Do You Have 60 Seconds to Save Seals?

Canada’s commercial seal slaughter [] is about to kick into high gear, but you can do something to help stop it. PETA has created a compelling new infographic that provides key information about the massacre, like how seals are bludgeoned and sometimes skinned alive [] and how much taxpayer money is wasted promoting a product that Canada loses money on every year.

Sarah McLachlan Tells Canada to Quit Hiding

In an effort to further delay the phase out of the commercial seal slaughter, Canada has asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) to hold a hearing about the ban on seal products by E.U. member countries. As usual, Canada is expected to argue that its annual massacre of baby seals (who are tortured by being hooked … Read more »

Seal Clubbing Ad Put on Ice

We’re no strangers to having our ads banned. But we thought that we had a safe bet when we created an ad against the Canadian seal slaughter that features a cartoon drawn by celebrated New Yorker contributor Harry Bliss. In the cartoon, a seal sits at a bar and, in a play on words, tells the bartender his … Read more »

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