PETA Shut Down 6 Real Experiments Worse Than Those in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

Published by PETA Staff.
5 min read

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the High Evolutionary subjects Rocket Raccoon and his friends to many cruel and devastating experiments. In the real world, animals in laboratories are purposely bred to suffer from debilitating conditions, including cancerous tumors, weakened immune systems, and a variety of painful disabilities. Experimenters perform painful procedures on individuals they care nothing about, and, just as in the movie, these horrors often serve no purpose other than to satisfy someone’s curiosity.

PETA Shut Down These Experiments That Were Worse Than Those in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3:

1. Experimenters Sewed a Baby Monkey’s Eyes Shut to Study Blindness

In an experiment supposedly meant to study blindness in humans, experimenters tore a baby monkey away from his mother the night he was born and sewed his eyes shut. They strapped a heavy electronic sonar device that made a constant screeching sound to his head and kept him isolated in a barren cage.

Animal rights activists rescued him and many other animals who were suffering in the same lab. With PETA’s help, this obscene experiment was shut down, and the monkey, Britches, went on to enjoy the rest of his life in an animal sanctuary.

2. Petri Dishes Full of Tick Nymphs Were Attached to Rabbits

Instead of attaching robotic legs to rabbits as in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, in one lab, experimenters attached petri dishes full of tick nymphs to the sides of rabbits’ bodies. This painful experiment was supposedly carried out to study insecticides and other chemicals used in products for companion animals. In the same lab, experimenters intentionally afflicted dogs with worms.

In another test, laboratory staff applied a chemical to cats’ necks, which immediately caused them to experience seizures, foam at the mouth, lose vision, and bleed from the nose. Despite these reactions, experimenters put the same chemical on the cats a second time on the very same day. Thanks to an investigation by PETA, the laboratory was forced to close.

3. Dogs Were Bred to Have Canine Muscular Dystrophy

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the High Evolutionary genetically alters Rocket to have increased intelligence. At Texas A&M University, experimenters purposely bred dogs to suffer from a crippling canine form of muscular dystrophy. They struggled just to move and eat, and the head experimenter admitted that the findings from tests on dogs couldn’t easily be applied to humans. This cruel study lasted for decades, but PETA put an end to it.

4.    Vivisectors Deafened Double Trouble

In a curiosity-driven experiment at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, experimenters subjected a cat named Double Trouble to invasive surgeries, supposedly to study sound localization. They screwed a stainless-steel post to her skull in order to immobilize her head during experiments, cut into her head and skull, applied a toxic substance to her inner ears in order to deafen her, and implanted electrical devices deep inside her ears.

The school ended these cruel and archaic sound-localization experiments on cats and shut down the lab following an intensive PETA campaign.

5. Head Trauma Was Inflicted on Monkeys

Experimenters at the University of Pennsylvania strapped baboons to tables, forced their heads into a hydraulic device, and slammed them forward in order to injure their brains. Animal rights activists seized the researchers’ video footage of this barbaric experiment and sent it to PETA. After we shared the footage with members of Congress, released it to the public, and unleashed an intense campaign, the U.S. secretary of health pulled federal funding for the experiment.

6. Experimenters Severed Kittens’ Nerves to Study Deafness

At Boys Town National Research Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska, experimenters implanted tubes and wires in cats’ throats and screwed metal devices into their skulls. Kittens, some as young as just 1 day old, had the nerves in their brains severed. An undercover investigation by PETA exposed the cruel experiments and shut them down.

YOU can help PETA shut down experiments that are worse than those in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

Rats and Mice Are Dropped in Water

In the forced swim test, experimenters induce panic in mice and rats by dropping them into inescapable cylinders of water to see how they will react. The animals attempt to climb the sides of the container and frantically look for any means of escape. Experimenters claim that this is a way to study the effectiveness of antidepressants, even though the results don’t translate to humans.

Mice Were Sewn Together for a Sepsis Study

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funds cruel and ineffective sepsis experiments on mice—the results of which don’t apply to humans—with your taxpayer dollars. In one form of this nightmare, experimenters sew two mice together and intentionally sicken them with an infection that leads to sepsis. They also cut open the skin on the animals’ backs, tent it, and fit it with a window in order to observe the circulation of blood.

An Experimenter Terrifies Monkeys With Snakes and Spiders

In true High Evolutionary fashion, experimenter Elisabeth Murray cuts open monkeys’ skulls to induce brain damage. She then deliberately presents them with objects that are frightening to them, such as lifelike snakes and spiders, just to see how they’ll react. The snakes and spiders she uses are fake, but the monkeys’ fear is real. Eventually, after keeping them in cages for decades, she kills them. These invasive and barbaric experiments, funded by NIH, have cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars for decades, and they’re still being inflicted on monkeys today.

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Nebula says that what happened to Rocket was “worse than anything Thanos ever did,” but he and the other animals who suffered at OrgoCorp are fictional. For millions of real animals, the suffering is unfathomable.

The Guardians of the Galaxy can’t help save real animals languishing in laboratories, but you can!

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