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Cat or Cod? PETA U.K. Serves Up ‘Kittens’ and Chips
Cat or Cod? PETA U.K. Serves Up ‘Kittens’ and Chips

“Kittenmongers” challenged speciesism in Newcastle, England, by showing passersby that all lives are valuable, not just those of the animals who sit in our laps and are showered with love.

PETA Asia Strikes Back: Ajinomoto Challenged Over Its Experiments on Animals
PETA Asia Strikes Back: Ajinomoto Challenged Over Its Experiments on Animals

Protesters descended on Ajinomoto’s headquarters in Taiwan, as the MSG giant remains on the “dark side” by refusing to use readily available animal-free research methods. Take action at

‘Blood on Your Cans!’: PETA Rattles Whole Foods Over Ties to Thai Monkey Abuse
‘Blood on Your Cans!’: PETA Rattles Whole Foods Over Ties to Thai Monkey Abuse

Chained “monkeys” called on a Whole Foods location in Texas to dump Thai coconut milk, as that country’s coconut industry depends on the forced labor of pig-tailed macaques. Take action at

Harvard President Glitter-Bombed in Protest of School’s Experiments on Monkeys
Harvard President Glitter-Bombed in Protest of School’s Experiments on Monkeys

In Massachusetts, a PETA supporter disrupted Interim President Alan Garber’s speech on Alumni Day, demanding that the school end experimenter Margaret Livingstone’s tests on baby monkeys. Take action at

‘Polar Bears’ Occupy Nevada Starbucks Over Earth-Killing Pro-Dairy Policy
‘Polar Bears’ Occupy Nevada Starbucks Over Earth-Killing Pro-Dairy Policy

PETA pointed out that Starbucks’ upcharge for vegan milk encourages people to opt for dairy, the production of which releases vast quantities of the greenhouse gases that melt ice caps and kill polar bears. Take action at

Sweet News! PETA Helps Peaches Get Out of a Sour Situation
Sweet News! PETA Helps Peaches Get Out of a Sour Situation

Thanks to PETA fieldworkers, Peaches is no longer confined to a tiny wire crate. She’s now living in luxury in the home of the veterinarian who treated her.

PETA India’s ‘Ice Queen’ Gives Away Vegan Treats During Heat Wave
PETA India’s ‘Ice Queen’ Gives Away Vegan Treats During Heat Wave

To provide relief during the scorching heat, PETA India supporters, including an “Ice Queen,” handed out free vegan chocolate ice cream as a reminder that dairy-free treats are as sweet to cows as they are to us.

Duck Defenders Ruffle H&M’s Feathers Over Cruel Down Sales
Duck Defenders Ruffle H&M’s Feathers Over Cruel Down Sales

PETA U.K. greeted retail industry insiders arriving at the Shoptalk Europe event in Barcelona, Spain, with a message for H&M: Stop selling items made from feathers stolen from birds.

Fiery Vegan Appeal Lands in Chicago: ‘Pigs Can’t Fight for Pigs’ Rights’
Fiery Vegan Appeal Lands in Chicago: ‘Pigs Can’t Fight for Pigs’ Rights’

In honor of PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s birthday, we placed a striking new visual plea in Chicago, calling on everyone to follow in her footsteps by leaving pigs off their plates. Learn more at

‘Students Opposing Speciesism’ Urges Campus to Go Vegan
‘Students Opposing Speciesism’ Urges Campus to Go Vegan

Compassionate students at Texas State University gave up valuable study time to share how dairy and other animal-derived products harm animals and devastate the planet.

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