Victory! Monkey Abuser Loses Again in Court

Bioculture, the company that planned to open a monkey-breeding facility in Guayama, Puerto Rico, suffered another crippling blow today when Puerto Rico’s Court of Appeals upheld a December 2009 Superior Court ruling that the construction of the facility was illegal because of zoning and permit issues. You may recall that PETA and local citizens first … Read more »

Monkey Tormentor Thinks More Should Suffer

A notorious experimenter and primate supplier wants the U.S.’ help tormenting more monkeys in laboratories. Frank Ervin, a vivisector from McGill University, operates the Behavioral Sciences Foundation/Primate Resources International on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts, which pays trappers to remove vervet monkeys from the wild so that they can be imprisoned in laboratories. The … Read more »

Plea to Free Oldest Lab Chimpanzee

Update: In 2015, following pressure from PETA and other animal advocates, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that all captive chimpanzees would now be reclassified as “endangered,” effectively ending invasive experiments on our closest living genetic relatives. In addition, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) promised to retire all federally owned chimpanzees to sanctuaries. … Read more »

Saving Babies and Animals in One Fell Swoop

This year, trainees at the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) educational conference were better educated on how to care for newborns than they have ever been before, with help from PETA. Previously, neonatal nurses in the course were taught emergency techniques such as inserting tubes into umbilical blood vessels, draining fluid from the chest … Read more »

Monkey #V357: Behind the Walls of a Lab

Victory: As a result of PETA’s campaign, the Army announced that it is ending its cruel use of monkeys in chemical attack training exercises and will instead use advanced human simulators! Monkey #V357 was born on the island of St. Kitts, where he was either captured in the wild or born in captivity. If he … Read more »

Important New Info for Caring Consumers

PETA’s “do test” and “don’t test” lists have been an essential part of shopping for millions of people for nearly three decades—and in all those years, we’ve never made a change to the way we list companies: They either conduct (or pay someone to conduct) painful skin, eye, and other poisoning tests on animals, or … Read more »

Woody Harrelson to Army: End Warfare Tests

Victory: As a result of PETA’s campaign, the Army announced that it is ending its cruel use of monkeys in chemical attack training exercises and will instead use advanced human simulators! Woody Harrelson was nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of an Army captain in The Messenger, and now the actor is sending a … Read more »

Don’t Buy Nestea—or Its Propaganda

After we told you earlier this week how animals were being tormented and killed in crude experiments for Nestlé’s tea brand, Nestea, Nestlé went into crisis mode, furiously tweeting that its “#Nestea product has never been tested on animals.” But just like Nestlé’s tainted teas, you shouldn’t swallow its desperate attempt to spin the ugly … Read more »

Kisses & Hisses to Animal Friends & Foes

Get ready to practice your high-fives and Bronx cheers—here’s our quasi-monthly round-up of animal friends and foes: Kisses to California for making the water safer for sharks. The state banned the sale, trade, or possession of shark fins, which are cut off live sharks who are then thrown back into the water to sink to … Read more »

PETA Forced to Get Nasty With Nestea

What do you get when you mix PETA, a company that tests on animals, and a roomful of eco-friendly executives? A round of applause, which is what happened when an animal advocate stood up during the Industry Water Award Ceremony in Stockholm and asked Nestlé Chair Peter Brabeck-Letmathe when its tea brand, Nestea, will stop … Read more »

University of Texas Lab Cited for Animal Abuse

After receiving damning reports from someone working inside the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), PETA filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) earlier this year. The USDA found, among other abuses, that sheep who had undergone invasive experimental surgeries (including one sheep who could not stand up afterward) apparently received no … Read more »

The Investigation that Sparked a Movement

It has been exactly 30 years since PETA’s historic Silver Spring monkeys case thrust the animal rights movement into mainstream consciousness in the summer of 1981. PETA’s first undercover investigation led to many other firsts—the first search-and-seizure warrant to be served on a U.S. laboratory, the first confiscation from a laboratory of abused animals, and … Read more »

Ingrid Discusses Planned Monkey Abuse

PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk appears on CNN to discuss the U.S. Army’s upcoming plans to conduct tests on monkeys. You can help stop the U.S. Army from poisoning monkeys by calling Maj. Gen. Nick Justice, commanding general of Aberdeen Proving Ground, at 410-278-0833 and urging his facility to switch to non-animal training methods.

Chimpanzees in Sun for First Time in 30 Years

After three decades in captivity, a group of 38 chimpanzees who had been abused in painful hepatitis and HIV experiments in an Austrian laboratory were finally released to a sanctuary, where they can spend the rest of their lives in peaceful retirement. A television camera operator captured the awe-inspiring moment when the chimpanzees cautiously stepped … Read more »

Monkey Abuse Hits Home at Chief’s House

Victory: As a result of PETA’s campaign, the Army announced that it is ending its cruel use of monkeys in chemical attack training exercises and will instead use advanced human simulators! As the U.S. Army is poised to begin poisoning African vervet monkeys at Maryland’s Aberdeen Proving Ground, PETA’s “monkeys” descended on Secretary of the … Read more »

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