Victory: Lufthansa Stops Shipping Dogs and Cats to Laboratories

Wow, that was fast! Less than a day after PETA released heartbreaking photos and posted an action alert on our Web site drawing attention to the plight of more than 50 dogs who were transported on a Lufthansa cargo plane from the U.S. to a notorious Charles River Laboratories animal testing facility in Scotland, Lufthansa … Read more »

Meth-Addled Sheep Shocked With Tasers

Can’t sheep get a break? First, we told you that PETA and Madison, Wisconsin’s Alliance for Animals petitioned for prosecution after experimenters at the University of Wisconsin–Madison killed sheep in excruciating U.S. Navy–funded decompression experiments. (Killing animals by decompression is specifically prohibited by Wisconsin’s Crimes Against Animals law.) Now we’ve learned that 16 sheep were … Read more »

PETA Sues UW-Madison for Allegedly Violating Public Records Law / CC BY-SA 2.0 Yesterday, PETA filed a lawsuit against the University of Wisconsin–Madison (UW) for alleged violations of the Wisconsin Public Records Law. UW has refused to provide PETA with information related to the university’s invasive and deadly taxpayer-funded eye-movement experiments on monkeys and cats. UW completely denied PETA access to some records, … Read more »

Victory! Utah Animal Shelter Abandons Pound Seizure

On March 27, Utah’s governor signed a bill to amend an archaic state law so that government-run animal shelters will no longer be forced upon request to sell homeless dogs and cats to laboratories for use in cruel and deadly experiments. Yesterday, the director of Davis County Animal Services—the shelter that was supplying the University … Read more »

Genetically Engineered Rats: 100 Percent Fake!

Happy (belated) April Fool’s, folks! If you were to pick out one of our blogs from yesterday and label it a fantasy, which would you pick? Sure, McDonald’s basketball seems made up, but it turns out that we do not support genetically engineering rats. But judging from the comments on the first blog about our … Read more »

Genetically Engineered Rats: 10 Percent Rabbit, 100 Percent Cute

Sticking up for rats—who are sensitive, intelligent, and nurturing—has always been high on our agenda, although not everyone understands that these dear little mammals are worth caring about … yet. There is hope, however. For the last 14 months, we’ve been funding two scientists at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) who are … Read more »

Victory: Utah Ends Mandatory Cat and Dog Pound Seizures

Update: On Saturday, March 27, Utah’s governor signed the bill into law, formally amending the state’s pound-seizure law. This means that animal shelters are no longer required to turn over animals for use in cruel experiments. Hooray! Thanks in large part to e-mails, letters, and phone calls from thousands of compassionate supporters, Utah legislators voted … Read more »

Father Attempts to Sell Son on Craigslist

Cops in Spokane are searching for a frustrated pop who is believed to have put his screaming son up for sale on Craigslist. Apparently the dad didn’t know that the “baby & kid stuff” section is intended for the sale of clothing, furniture, and accessories only—and that peddling children is a felony. But dogs and … Read more »

Cutest Commercial EVER Wins Ad Agency an Award

Here’s some monkey business that PETA applauds: BBDO’s clever, cute, and completely animal-friendly new ad for GE, featuring snow monkeys who are undisturbed in their natural habitat. There’s even an animatronic monkey “hand”—watch for it:     This isn’t the only masterpiece from BBDO. Remember’s fiddle-playing animatronic beaver ad? That was by BBDO too. … Read more »

Monkey See, Monkey Bite BY 2.0 As if we needed another reminder that wild animals are not wind-up toys, a capuchin monkey reportedly being kept as a “service animal” by a man in Chesapeake, Virginia, bit the man so severely that he had to be hospitalized. A video that aired on a local news broadcast showed the monkey’s … Read more »

Charles River Fined for Baking Monkeys Alive / CC BY 2.0   In July 2008, PETA received an anonymous letter reporting that “many monkeys” had died at Charles River Laboratory’s (CRL) Sparks, Nevada, facility because of a heating system malfunction. We immediately filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which opened an investigation. After the incident, CRL was … Read more »

PETA Takes on ‘Taking on Tyson’

© Star Max Inc. “Ready …Set …Um, never mind …” It seems quite possible that Animal Planet’s upcoming reality series starring Mike Tyson might be knocked out of production. (Join us in our sorrow—not.) PETA has identified what might be a fatal flaw in the very premise of Taking on Tyson, which is scheduled to … Read more »

Cruel Experiment on Sheep Violates Law, PETA Petitions to Prosecute

PETA always tries to explain to people that what is done to animals inside laboratories would be illegal if it happened anywhere else. Burning, shocking, or poisoning a dog would typically land someone in jail. But paradoxically, as long as the abuse happens in a laboratory and is called “science,” the people responsible for it … Read more »

Victory! Green Tea Goes Cruelty-Free

Pop quiz: For the creation and testing of which of the following types of consumer products do some companies still force animals to suffer in invasive and deadly laboratory experiments? Cigarettes Dog food Tea and other beverages All of the above None of the above If you answered “D,” you’re correct! But here’s an important … Read more »

Call NASA, Save Monkeys!

  http2007 / CC by 2.0 Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. Despite our petitions, demonstrations, tweets to astronauts in space, a letter from the U.S. Congress, and … Read more »

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