How We Changed the World for Angora Rabbits

In 2013, most people didn’t know that much of the world’s angora wool came from factories like this, where rabbits were kept in awful conditions and workers regularly ripped the fur right out of their skin. But when PETA revealed undercover footage of the abuse, it changed everything.

Millions of people around the world saw the video, were outraged, and sprang into action. They contacted companies selling angora wool and demanded that they stop. And most of the world’s biggest brands listened and took action. Companies that wouldn’t listen saw protests, news coverage, and online campaigns spread by celebrities and the media.

The millions who watched, spoke out, and demanded that retailers take cruelty off their shelves started a movement, and one by one, most of the world’s largest retailers banned angora wool. The huge industry that once caused so much harm has been crippled beyond repair. For angora rabbits, the world has truly changed, and this is just the beginning.

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