PETA Statement: Feds Cite JOINN Biologics for Numerous Animal Welfare Violations

For Immediate Release:
August 30, 2023

Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382

Richmond, Calif.

Please see the following statement from PETA Vice President Dr. Alka Chandna regarding the multiple citations issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to JOINN Biologics for critical violations of animal welfare regulations:

The latest raft of sickening animal welfare violations against JOINN Biologics proves PETA was right when we launched a successful effort to block the company from building a huge monkey warehouse in Florida. JOINN continues to prove that its incompetence further endangers the monkeys it imprisons.

In a just-posted U.S. Department of Agriculture inspection report, federal inspectors watched as a monkey escaped and climbed up a bank of cages because staff had failed to follow the proper procedure for returning the monkey to a cage. Inspectors also documented that monkeys had numerous severe injuries—including neck wounds and various cuts and scrapes on their faces, necks, eyes, and ears as well as a missing toe in one case—all after staff had tried yanking them out of cages by their necks and restraining them. Staff also never bothered to report the ongoing problem. There were inconsistent and shoddy, if not falsified, records of training sessions in which on numerous occasions, monkeys who exhibited aggressive or noncompliant behavior were given passing marks when they should have been failed.

While the world’s forests are being emptied, JOINN continues to experiment on long-tailed macaques, an endangered species that should never have been shipped to the U.S. for experimentation. The only way to protect them from extinction is for companies such as JOINN to stop driving the demand for them by ending these needless experiments.

For more information on PETA’s investigative newsgathering and reporting, please visit, listen to The PETA Podcast, or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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