Sink or Swim? Anjelica Huston Hands University the Key to a Successful Future

What the University of Bristol does to small mammals is nothing short of wicked. Anjelica Huston knows there’s a better way.

King Charles’ Decision Could Make England’s Cruel Sport Fly the Coop

First foie gras, now pigeon racing: King Charles made a plucky move that could cause England’s blood sport to nose-dive.

Why Were PETA U.K. Supporters Arrested at LVMH’s Annual Meeting?

PETA U.K. members were arrested, but what crimes against fashion is LVMH committing?

Is Bullfighting a Sin? Check Out PETA U.K.’s New Ad for the Answer

It’s almost Easter, and ahead of the First Meeting of Bullfighting Chaplains and Priests in Zamora, Spain, an urgent message has appeared throughout Rome and Vatican City.

How Did the U.K. Just Toss a Life Raft to Mice and Rats?

After relentless campaigning by PETA U.K., the U.K. government has made a change that will encourage scientists to focus on human-relevant research methods. 

New PETA U.K. Animation Reveals Twisted ‘Tail’ of Pig Slaughter

The next time someone says, “But bacon …,” show them this cartoon.

Animal Defenders Crash the Pope’s Evening Prayer With This Message for Bulls

PETA U.K. members disrupted a prayer service that Pope Francis attended, pleading with His Holiness to help save bulls’ lives. Watch the video!

Why Did a Group of Scientific Leaders Create a Tidal Wave Over One Test?

As the U.K. government reviews its policy on forced swim tests, over 400 scientists, academics, and medical and veterinary professionals from around the world are speaking out. Here’s what they want.

PHOTOS: Why Are the Streets in Front of the Vatican Drenched in Blood?

PETA U.K.’s papal plea to help bulls took to the streets in Rome with a display that turned heads and changed hearts. 

You’ll Jump out of Your Skin After Watching This Star’s New Video

Fashion should be about creativity, not cruelty. Check out how actor Elisabetta Canalis is teaming up with PETA U.K. to help alligators, snakes, and other animals.

Will the Pope Take the ‘High’ Road to Better Bulls’ Lives?

Find out the surprising connection between Pope Francis and bull torture that led PETA U.K. to kick its protests into high gear.

What the Cashmere Industry Does to Goats Will Make Your Hair Stand on End

After learning what the cashmere industry does to gentle goats, you’ll be tearing your own hair out in frustration. London Fashion Week crowds got a front row seat to see for themselves.

It’s Only Getting Hotter: What Greece Needs to Do to Save Lives

As record-breaking temperatures in Greece raise alarms, PETA U.K. is leaping into action to help a group of animals before it’s too late.

PHOTOS: Spain’s Streets Are Stained Red but Not With Blood—Yet

Do you know about the annual bloodbath in Spain? PETA U.K. took its eye-catching protest to the streets to share how to help save lives.

© Esa Ennelin
Find Out What the Monaco Grand Prix and the Iditarod Have in Common

Get up to speed on the actions that PETA U.K. has taken against Formula 1 and its connection to a deadly race.

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