Broken Bones, New Families—Animals Who Need Help Count on PETA Fieldworkers
Stories about the pandemic and international demonstrations against racism have taken the world by storm. But no matter what’s going down, countless suffering animals need our help right now.
Our field team members—who are still on the job, actively helping animals seven days a week—delivered doghouses, helped injured wildlife, gave several animals a peaceful release from their suffering, and did so much more.
Every one of these lives has value. Just like us, animals want to live free from agony, loneliness, and neglect. They want safety and the comfort of family. It’s often the case that the only food, clean water, or loving touch some ever receive is provided by PETA.
Here are some real stories from our field team about their work for animals last month:
Sturdy, custom-built PETA doghouses were given to many.
Zeus, China, Sling, and Champ received much-needed doghouses to replace their flimsy, inadequate shelters that left them completely exposed to the elements.

Others received round-trip transport to and from their spay/neuter appointments on our mobile clinics, all free of charge.
These are just a few of the 75 animals who benefitted from this service in May:

PETA fieldworkers found numerous animals in the streets who needed immediate help.
We grabbed a terrified kitten out of a tree and trapped feral cats, some suffering from serious infections and injuries. Other rescues, like of the goose we found with a broken wing, took patience, persistence, and coordinated teamwork.

Our fieldworker discovered Oreo in terrible shape, with what looked like a bad leg injury, crying and unable to walk without falling over. Thankfully, we identified Oreo’s owner, and the suffering cat was signed over to PETA. Elastic ponytail holders were wrapped around a back and a front leg. Part of the back leg was missing, with bone and tissue exposed and a severe maggot infestation, and the front paw was necrotic and swollen.
PETA reps returned to investigate the following day and discovered that the responsible party was a developmentally disabled 10-year-old child who admitted to banding the cat’s legs. PETA is now working with the child’s mother and local authorities to get him the help that he needs and ensure that the family doesn’t acquire any more animals.
Some of our animal friends have already found new homes and families!

We rescued numerous animals from living nightmares. They’re now waiting for loving homes.
Lilac, Lavender, and all the other animals we helped last month deserve to live in good, safe homes with caring guardians. Instead, they were neglected, chained up, penned, starved, and forced to live in filth without any affection or compassion. Thankfully, these animals are awaiting adoption for a chance at the happy lives they should have:

PETA helped end the constant pain and agony of animals who were barely holding on. For suffering animals, euthanasia is a necessary kindness.

You, Too, Can Make a Difference for Animals
When you see animal abuse, please, always try to stop it or at least report it. Remember: Adopt, don’t shop—and have your animal companions spayed or neutered. You could also volunteer at your local animal shelter or rescue center and ask local government officials how you can help get laws passed that would require animal care standards and ban tethering, breeding, and the selling of animals in pet shops.