This New Law Will Force Laboratories to Save Animals

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Beagle Freedom Bill and locked down a victory for animals in laboratories.

The new law mandates that dogs and cats used in state-funded experiments be put up for adoption after the protocols have ended, provided that they are healthy enough. After suffering in a laboratory, they may finally have a chance at a loving home and family.

New York’s Beagle Freedom Bill is the fifth of its kind. California, Connecticut, Minnesota, and Nevada have all passed similar legislation, thanks to the work of compassionate legislators, activists, and the Beagle Freedom Project.

Buddy and Cooper

Experiments on all animals should stop today. But at least a few more animals will now have a chance at a real life. Showing what dogs and cats endure inside laboratories can help move us closer to this goal. A few years ago, PETA conducted a nine-month-long eyewitness investigation of Professional Laboratory and Research Services, Inc., a testing laboratory that was paid by pharmaceutical companies to subject dogs and cats to painful experiments for flea and tick products, and just days after we released our findings, the facility shut its doors forever and surrendered nearly 200 dogs and more than 50 cats, including Buddy and Copper, above, who were adopted into loving homes.

You can help by asking your own congressional representatives to end all tests on dogs and other animals today.

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