German Experimenter Dumps Ethics, Will Test on Live Monkey Brains in China

Published by Zachary Toliver.
2 min read

Poking and prodding the exposed brains of live monkeys is just as unethical in any other country as it is in Germany. But in an attempt to dodge public scrutiny, infamous animal tormentor Nikos Logothetis is moving his grotesque and deadly experiments to China.

It’s been more than five years since the public first witnessed horrifying footage from an animal laboratory at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany. In the video, captive monkeys are seen with their skulls exposed and with electrodes implanted in their brains. Another scene shows suffering monkeys with bulky head mounts screwed into their heads. The video goes on to reveal a partially paralyzed female monkey who vomits repeatedly—she was reportedly killed days later.

A criminal investigation into the institute followed the video release. Three employees were investigated, but the criminal proceedings were closed in 2018 after the company paid fines connected to the case.

Even After Being Exposed, Logothetis Continued to Kill Animals

Thanks to public outrage, Logothetis, a director at the institute, ended these horrific experiments on monkeys. But instead of turning to modern, non-animal research methods, he continued performing cruel experiments on rats. Apparently, subjecting these sensitive animals to pain and fear isn’t enough for him: He’s now preparing to resume his experiments on monkeys in China—away from public scrutiny and the well-deserved criticism that he’s received in Germany.

This Is What Real Scientists Call ‘Ethics Dumping’

“Ethics dumping” occurs when someone can’t get away with an experiment in one country, so they instead perform it in a country with less stringent ethical and legal requirements for animal welfare. This shameful practice has been strongly criticized in the scientific community, but it still occurs. When PETA and its affiliates shut down Volkswagen’s shocking inhalation tests on live monkeys, there was speculation that the car manufacturer had carried out those experiments in the U.S. because they wouldn’t have been approved in Germany.

The fact that animal tormenters are moving to other countries to escape ethical scrutiny proves that public opposition to animal testing is stronger than ever. And the evidence is overwhelming that data from experiments on animals can’t be applied to humans. Logothetis and all other animal experimenters should stop conducting cruel tests that no one needs and instead embrace human-relevant, modern research methods.

Stop Experimenters From Tormenting and Killing Primates

When it comes to feeling joy, cherishing life, and experiencing pain, monkeys and all other animals are just like us. So imagine the suffering that millions of them endure every day inside laboratories.

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