7 Animal Moms Who Need You This Mother’s Day
These mothers don’t want a card, flowers, or chocolate. They want to be free. They need your help.
1. Pigs

In Mississippi, PETA caught a slaughterhouse—Southern Quality Meats, Inc. (SQM), which had supplied schoolchildren with lunches—jabbing and electro-shocking helpless mother pigs. Well, SQM is now closed! Learn more here. You can help other mother pigs by urging school officials to pledge to refrain from contracting with any slaughterhouse found to have violated the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act or broken any other animal-protection laws.
2. Orcas

At SeaWorld, orca mother Katina was forced to breed when she was only 9 years old (at least five years earlier than she would have naturally bred in the wild) and was even inbred with her own son. Four of her babies have died in captivity while at SeaWorld. Help free Katina and the other mothers at SeaWorld now.
3. Dogs and Cats

The best way to help female dogs and cats is to keep them from becoming mothers at all! PETA’s Mobile Clinics Division offers no-cost to low-cost spay and neuter surgeries to animals in need in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. Help us to continue to expand this service!
4. Cows

Nearly all cows used for milk are born with tissue that will develop into horns, but you rarely see cows with horns on dairy farms. That’s because most farmers remove the sensitive horn tissue or the horns themselves from the cows’ skulls using searing-hot irons, caustic chemicals, blades, or hand saws. Pledge to go vegan today.
5. Seals

Fresh from foraging for food, mother seals have to find their young quickly in a sea of hundreds—or possibly thousands—of seals, so both mother and pup depend on their uncanny powers of vocal recognition to find each other. But they can never be reunited if one is killed in the vicious annual commercial seal slaughter. Urge Canada to end the massacre.
6. Raccoon Dogs

A raccoon dog mom forms a close bond with her partner, who brings her food during her pregnancy and helps raise their young. Every year, thousands of these dogs, like the mother and babies on the fur farm in the photo above, are killed by the fur industry. They are often skinned while they’re still conscious so that their fur can be sold by retailers like Patricia Nash. Tell Patricia Nash to end fur sales!
7. Coyotes

Trapped coyote mothers who are desperate to get back to their starving pups have been known to chew off their own limbs to escape. In a recent investigation, PETA exposed the cruelty behind the trapping and killing of coyotes used for fur trim on Canada Goose coats. Urge Canada Goose to stop selling fur and down now!
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