Easy and Effective Leafleting
Leafleting is one of the best ways to educate people about animal rights issues. It’s not only easy but also effective! Put the right information in the right hands and BAM! Minds are changed. Just check out what one unsuspecting circusgoer had to say when she received a leaflet:
Today, I went to the circus not even thinking of the poor animals … and I am ashamed I even went. I walked up and received a flier from animal activists and I saw an elephant chained on the front cover and couldn’t help but read the pamphlet. I am so distraught over the whole thing. I want to know what we need to do to END animals being in the circus. I want those poor elephants, tigers, and many other poor helpless animals to be free!
Doesn’t that make it seem worthwhile? Follow these helpful tips, and you may be the person who helps change someone’s mind!
Don’t wait for people to approach you.
Walk up to them, and with a friendly smile, hand them a leaflet accompanied by a positive comment like, “Have you gotten one of these yet?”

Take off those sunglasses and make eye contact!
Never be pushy. Simple eye contact will help you get their attention.

Be prepared for questions!
Know at least three facts from the leaflet that you’re passing out. Bonus points: Know more info that isn’t included in the leaflet!

Don’t waste time arguing.
Say politely, “I think that if you read this material, you might change your mind.” Then smile, hand them a leaflet, and turn away.

Dress for success!
You want people to take you seriously, so keep it clean and professional. This will help people stay focused on the message.

Don’t leave a mess!
Pick up discarded leaflets before you leave the area.

You may also want to post leaflets on bulletin boards in public areas such as libraries, veterinary offices, cat and dog supply stores, supermarkets, Laundromats, and apartment buildings. You can even stick them in your outgoing mail envelopes too!

Remember to ask permission from the owner of the area before posting a leaflet to make sure that it stays posted. Some places will even allow you to leave a stack of leaflets!
If you need leaflets, check out the PETA Catalog or e-mail us at [email protected].