Meet PETA and the PETA Foundation Staff: Ashley B.

Ashley Byrne
Senior Campaigner

As a member of PETA’s International Grassroots Campaigns Department, a “normal” day for me could mean doing anything from leading a demonstration while dressed in bunny ears (and not much else) and encouraging people to go fur-free to getting drenched in fake blood and joining hundreds of people to protest the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona! I travel across the country and help coordinate and carry out the eye-catching demonstrations that PETA is known for—demonstrations that help put the facts about cruelty to animals front and center in the headlines and provide an opportunity to interact directly with members of the public and let them know how easy it is to adopt a cruelty-free lifestyle. I love my job because wherever I go—from San Francisco, California, to Macon, Georgia—I find that people are compassionate and eager learn about how they can help animals.

When I’m not on the road, I work from PETA’s New York office, and I love to spend my free time at a park in Brooklyn and writing and sharing vegan chicken-and-cheese pizza with my rescued dog, Mongo.

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