Looking for a kind and affordable way to enjoy scrambles, omelets, and baking? We have all the best egg-free staples and facts you’ll need to know.
The U.S. government pays foreign labs to addict dogs to opioids, feed mice booze, and cause strokes in monkeys. This legislation can stop all that.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) may have changed its name to Humane World for Animals, but its animal-betraying, factory-farm-supporting policies remain.

As the new administration looks to trim government spending, PETA has a great place for President Trump to start: Slashing NIH funding of pointless animal experiments.
Thanks a latte! Another major coffee chain just dropped its vegan milk upcharge. Here’s a list of companies that have done the same!
Frostbite, dehydration, and hypothermia are constant risks when the mercury drops. Learn how you can save lives.
He'll keep roaring at the president's motorcade until the NIH stops wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on archaic experiments.

Thanks to a compassionate soldier, an injured cow survived and was rescued by a PETA-supported team in Ukraine. Find out how you can help.
PETA has laid the groundwork for the new U.S. administration to transition to animal-free science that will save billions and promote human health. Support Research Modernization NOW!
PETA is the talk of the catwalk at New York Fashion Week. Find out how PETA is reminding big brands that a look can kill without killing anyone.
By listening to the demands of conscientious people around the world and releasing the orca Corky, SeaWorld could usher in a new era.
Urgent Alerts
Change the World for Animals—Take Action Now
PETA has learned of a German shepherd reportedly penned without shelter on Old Henderson Drive in Breaux Bridge, LA. We reported this to the Sheriff’s Office, and with our urging, an officer asked the owner to provide shelter. The owner reportedly then enshrouded the pen with a tarp, which obviously cannot do a thing to ... Read more »
Centennial at 5th Apartments in Las Vegas, Nevada, has reportedly hired a contractor to deploy traps and remove pigeons who are simply trying to survive in the area. In addition to tearing wild families apart and leaving orphaned young to starve, such initiatives are traumatic for trapped animals, who experience immense panic and can succumb ... Read more »
A recent move by an international body refusing to ban the trade of monkeys from Cambodia threatens to loosen a U.S. ban on long-tailed macaques from there. Don’t let it happen.
Please join PETA in urging Vanity Fair to ditch its outdated tradition and switch to an environmentally and animal-friendly vegan menu.
Please urge Mayor Verónica Delgadillo to ban bullfighting in Guadalajara.
Urge Mondelēz International to stop testing on animals and join PETA’s Eat Without Experiments program.

I am you, only different

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.

We are all animals.
That Helps Animals
Cruelty-Free List

Our growing community just got bigger! Find us on Bluesky and stay updated on PETA’s important work, inspiring stories, and how you can help animals.
Now that the USDA has taken action against Alpha Genesis for the second time in two months, it’s time for the National Institutes of Health to cut off funding to this repeat offender.
Find out where the notoriously cruel exotic-animal auction stands now, and how we got here.
Have you ever wished you had a key that could liberate animals from laboratories? Now you have not just one, but three! Unlock the cages by taking these vital actions today.

How do you know whether the closure of ‘Save This Life’ affects your animal’s microchip? Find out.
The group formerly known as HSUS has changed its name, but its cruel old policies remain. Don’t be duped into supporting factory farm backers.
Take action to help other belugas and dolphins—before it’s too late.
Don’t fall for buzzwords and marketing: A new investigation into New Zealand’s wool industry shows no difference between “humane” and non-certified farms.
Do you want to wake up each morning knowing your work is so meaningful that it will save lives? Work for animal rights and you’ll be up before your morning alarm sounds.
From goldfish to pigs to frogs—this plethora of fun quiz games that share facts and stories about animals is great for your kids.
Cambodian long-tailed macaques are being driven to extinction by experimenters. This international body could have protected them. Instead, it’s choosing to sit on its hands.
PETA’s new three-part ad series features a trio of gangsters who are far more enlightened than typical wiseguys.