Animal Companions
Shocking Investigation at a Turkey Slaughterhouse

Mercy for Animals, an animal rights group based in Ohio, has just released video footage of an undercover investigation into a House of Raeford Farms slaughterhouse in North Carolina. House of Raeford Farms, which is one of the biggest turkey processors in the country and supplies companies such as Denny’s and Arby’s, turned 250 million … Read more »

Animal Companions
What Should Your Dog Wear to the Next KFC demo?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if hundreds of dogs took over a brewpub? Well, people in Portland, OR, found out yesterday, at the annual Portland “Pug Crawl”, a benefit for the Oregon Humane Society. The event was basically a traditional pub crawl, but dogs were invited along as well. Cute Overload … Read more »

Animal Companions
Human Battery Cage

Thanks to James over at The Daily Veg for sending in these pics. For more information about what hens have to go through so that people can have eggs for breakfast, click here.

Animal Companions
KFC Protest in Hong Kong

Check out this KFC protest organized by PETA Asia-Pacific in Hong Kong yesterday. This is truly a global campaign, with demonstrations happening in about 100 countries so far. KFC needs to wake up and realize that people all over the world are against grotesque cruelty to animals, and the sooner it makes the simple animal … Read more »

Animal Companions
Push Michael Kors To Go Fur Free

Designer and Project Runway star Michael Kors recently pacified representatives from the Humane Society of the US by agreeing to stop using raccoon dog fur in his clothing lines. Unfortunately, Kors is turning a blind eye to the suffering of the countless other animals he still uses for their fur. It won’t result in fewer … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dairy Council Issues a ‘Takeback’ on Weight Loss Ads

Because milk doesn’t actually help you lose weight, which makes the ads (“Milk your diet. Lose weight!) just a teensy bit misleading. Here’s how it went down, according to The New York Times: The ads, which were overseen by our old friends the USDA (whom you may remember from such hijinx as failing to enforce … Read more »

Animal Companions
Even Soybeans Have Dreams

My friend Joel Barlett’s girlfriend made this cute cartoon about soybeans and their childhood dreams. Sorry everyone, Joel made me share.

Animal Companions
David and Victoria Beckham and Kangaroos

You’ve probably heard about the horrible piece of legislation currently under consideration in California that, if passed, will make it legal to sell products made of kangaroo skins there. There has already been a huge public outcry against the bill, but just in case Cali lawmakers need another reason to kill it, here ya go. … Read more »

Animal Companions
New “Test Tube” Cancer Model Could Reduce Animal Testing

  Have you heard about this? It’s a pretty amazing story out of the UK about researchers at Queen Mary’s School of Medicine in London, who developed a unique three-dimensional model of human breast cancer in a test tube. Pretty cool. Mice are not test tubes with whiskers . . . This development has the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Gordon Ramsay’s Latest Stunt Is a Pile of Crap

For those of you who haven’t heard of him, Gordon Ramsay runs a restaurant and hosts a TV show in England, where celebrity chefs are worshipped as a form of minor deity. Despite having only 5 TV channels for the entire country, the Brits have more cooking shows even than they have antiques shows, and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Another KFC Supplier of the Year Caught in the Act

You may remember that we kicked off our KFC Campaign a few years ago after an undercover investigator at a KFC Supplier of the Year in Moorefield, West Virginia, discovered workers throwing live birds against walls, kicking them like soccer balls, and spitting tobacco juice into their eyes. Well, one of our investigators just returned … Read more »

Animal Companions
Getting Naked, Princeton-Style

What do you do when you have more naked activists than life-size, cellophane-wrapped meat trays? Double up. At least that was how they handled it at Princeton University yesterday, to striking effect. The demonstration, which was a joint protest organized by PETA and the Princeton Animal Welfare Society to draw attention to the suffering of … Read more »

Animal Companions
The First Annoying Vegan

I know, I know. But this comic strip made me laugh out loud. Enjoy! Thanks to Snaggy and Nitrozac for letting me post the strip!

Animal Companions
Peter Dinklage’s New Video

I was pretty much blown away by The Station Agent when that movie came out a couple of years ago, and I’ve been a fan of the movie’s star, Peter Dinklage, ever since. Peter went on to have a recurring role in Nip/Tuck, and he’s also landed the part of Trumpkin in the next Narnia … Read more »

Animal Companions
Brief Message From a Chicken

A little while back, I wrote about the worldwide competition that the Young Guns ad agency held for people in the advertising industry to make a new PETA PSA. The official winner of that contest was “Your Parents Do It: Don’t Block It Out”, a brilliant idea put together by the BBDO Agency in Montréal. … Read more »

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