The Dutch Continue to Be Awesome

Holland, being awesome since 100 B.C. I’ve talked about how rad The Netherlands are before—when the Dutch “Party for the Animals” (yes, Holland has a legitimate political party dedicated to animal protection which holds seats in parliament) paid to run spots of “Free Me” on Dutch national television. Well, the latest news from our clog-wearing … Read more »

100,000 Pounds of Beef Recalled by Richwood Meat

Fears of E. coli contamination have prompted California-based Richwood foods to recall more than 100,000 pounds of beef from grocery stores. The scare comes after three children became seriously ill. You can read about the story here if it hasn’t come across your radar yet, but if you’re in the mood for a little bit … Read more »

KFC Exec David Novak Gets an Earful

Thanks to a few compassionate Kentucky residents, including the insuppressible Lindsay Rajt, who works on our KFC Campaign out of Louisville, David Novak, the CEO of KFC’s parent company, got more than he bargained for out of an evening at a local restaurant on Friday night. Lindsay and company were in the midst of a … Read more »

Happy Belated Earth Day

You may have heard about the latest “solution” to the world’s energy crisis and global warming. This one is perhaps the most absurd idea yet, coming to us courtesy of the well-known environmental stewards of the meat industry. Last week, oil company ConocoPhillips and the largest meat producer in the world, Tyson Foods, announced that … Read more »

If I Wore Makeup, I’d Totally Wear Smashbox

Not only do the folks over at Smashbox Cosmetics not test their products on animals, but they have these great store displays—and check out the cruelty-free bunny logon on the top of the Smashbox website: As if that weren’t enough to make us really big fans of the company here, they’ve just teamed up with … Read more »

InterWeb Soup

Have you voted for North America’s sexiest vegetarian yet? Here’s an interview with one of the finalists in Sacramento. I had heard of this video about the “Bionic Burger” but I had never seen it until today. Gross. Nancy from LA sent me this amazing story about a cat who must have heard about the … Read more »

Lobster Liberation . . . Literally

After noticing that a female lobster in the tank at the Men’s Club of Reno was pregnant and carrying eggs, the club’s promotions director and lifelong vegetarian, Aquila Nelson, sprang into action. She convinced the club’s manager to let her free the lobster and called us for instructions on what to do. To make a … Read more »

Who’s Cuter, Mermaids or Cavepeople?

Yeah, I know, it’s kind of a no-brainer. But the relative cuteness of mermaids versus cavepeople was really hit home to me today when I received images from two different protests conducted by PETA UK yesterday. The first, from a demonstration in Edinburgh to encourage people to cut the fish out of their diets, gets … Read more »

One More for the Pigs!

You may remember Smithfield Foods’ big January announcement that it is phasing out the use of gestation crates, followed shortly by Maple Leaf Foods’ decision to follow suit, and Burger King’s recent adoption of a new animal welfare plan that includes, among other things, reducing the amount of pig meat it purchases from suppliers that … Read more »

World’s Dumbest Vegetarian?

I’m sure everyone has seen our Sexiest Vegetarian contest by now, and hopefully you’ve voted for your favorite already. The number and quality of entries has been truly inspiring. If we ever decide to have a Dumbest Vegetarian contest, however, there won’t even need to be any voting because this girl will definitely win. … … Read more »

Houston Chronicle!

I’m sure most everyone is already aware of Burger King’s recent animal welfare improvements, but I still wanted to share this little tidbit with you. The BK story was covered all over the media, but the Houston Chronicle took it a step further and published this amazing editorial on corporate responsibility and animal welfare. It’s … Read more »

Happy Easter (From Here to Slovenia)!

First of all, Happy Easter from everyone at PETA! Now, as a little food for thought for the Easter holidays, here’s the transcript of the 2007 Easter Message by the Slovenian President (and my new personal hero) Dr. Janez Drnovsek. President Bush, I really hope you’re paying attention: “The Easter Holidays are near. Let’s spend … Read more »

In 2000, I was still busy trying to figure out how “electronic mail” worked, and PETA, for all its marketing brilliance, was still just kind of feeling its way in terms of having an Internet presence. But we did hit on a campaign that ended up having a real life of its own on the … Read more »

PETA India’s Egg Protest

Total winner, this one. With Easter coming up, a lot of people have eggs on the brain, especially in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, where, according to RXPG News, “Christians across the state consume eggs lavishly after the Sunday Easter mass.” Before I go on, I do want to take the opportunity to write that one more time, … Read more »

The Onion on PETA’s Burger King Victory

Yeah, sure, we were pretty happy to get a front page article in The New York Times about the major animal welfare changes Burger King has announced. The AP, USA Today, and BBC stories were pretty great too. But ever since we first heard from Burger King that they were going to make this announcement, … Read more »

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