Gotta Save ‘Em All: Be a Kitten Who Frees Orcas in PETA’s ‘Kitten Squad’ App
Addictive Mobile Game Lets Users Shoot Animal Abusers With Yarn-Ball Guns and Carrot Launchers
For Immediate Release:
July 18, 2016
David Perle 202-483-7382
While Pokémon are entering the real world, PETA is going virtual with Kitten Squad, a highly addictive role-playing adventure that launches today as a free mobile game in the Apple, Amazon, and Google app stores. In Kitten Squad, an elite team of kittens rescues baby elephants born into captivity, cows stuck on dairy farms, and orcas enslaved at SeaLand Marine Park from animal-abusing robot attackers using weaponry like carrot launchers and yarn-ball guns. Players earn cat-shaped coins that can be redeemed to dress kitten characters with shades, a crown, or PETA gear. Gamers can even play as their own family cat.
Featuring beautifully designed cut scenes inspired by real animals’ stories, Kitten Squad—which debuted for PlayStation 4 last fall to much acclaim—now has additional levels, including a defense mode in which players fend off waves of attacks in order to protect elephants.

“PETA’s Kitten Squad lets gamers liberate abused animals right on their phones,” says PETA Vice President of Marketing Joel Bartlett. “While players take on robots like the evil Ring Master or cruel Dairy Farmer, they also learn how boycotting the circus and going vegan helps animals in the real world.”
Kitten Squad was created by designer Luc Bernard—known for Mecho Wars and Pocket God vs. Desert Ashes—in collaboration with PETA and its partner SAGENCY. The game’s missions are inspired by PETA’s real-world exposés of animal abuse, including of baby elephants confined to Ringling Bros. circus, mother cows whose calves are repeatedly torn away from them on a dairy farm, and sheep who are beaten on wool farms, as documented at shearing facilities in Australia, the U.S., and Argentina.
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—has created numerous online games, including successful parodies of Pokémon and Super Mario Bros. The original Kitten Squad game for PlayStation 4 is available here.
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