Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve

Published by PETA Staff.

Got a cause you love? Of course you do—since you’re reading this! Then why not show your support and spark great conversations by proudly sporting the message on your clothing?

Whenever I wear my PETA tees, I feel empowered by knowing that a simple errand, such as running to the grocery store, allows me to reach countless individuals with the important animal rights message.

On numerous occasions, I’ve had great conversations with complete strangers about the messages on my shirts. Some have shared with me that they adopted their animal companion from a shelter, others have asked for my opinion on the best faux-meat products, and others simply voice their agreement and support.

So whether your heart breaks for animals who suffer on fur farms, the thought of eating animal flesh repulses you, or you don’t understand why people keep bringing more puppies and kittens in the world when there are millions waiting for homes at shelters, your clothing can send a powerful message that is capable of influencing others to lead a more compassionate life.


Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve

“Wearing your heart on your sleeve” is synonymous with being vulnerable, but I like to think that it makes you a crusader for your cause. Your shirt, and the conversations that it leads to, have the power to inspire the people around you.

Have you had a similar experience wearing cause-related clothing? Or perhaps you have a cause of your own that you’d like to share. Leave a comment about what your “cause tee” would say!

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