
Sonoma County, California

Sec. 5-127. – Tethering/chaining of dogs restricted.

(a) A dog may be restrained by a fixed point chain or tether for no more than twelve (12) hours in a twenty-four hour period. This limitation shall not apply to a dog used in an agricultural operation for herding, guarding, or protecting livestock.

(b) No chain or tether shall weigh more than one-eighth of the dog’s body weight.

(c) Any chain or tether shall be at least ten (10) feet in length and have swivels at both ends.

(d) Any chain or tether must be attached to a properly fitting collar or harness worn by the animal. The use of chain or pinch collar is prohibited.

(e) If a dog is restrained using a pulley and cable system, the chain or tether must be at least ten (10) feet in length and attached to a pulley or trolley mounted on a cable that is also at least ten (10) feet in length and mounted at least four (4) feet and no more than seven (7) feet above ground level in a manner so as not to interfere or become entangled with objects on the property.

(f) The chained or tethered dog must have constant access to clean, fresh water in a sturdy, tip-resistant bowl or bucket inside a rubber tire to prevent tipping. It should be checked for freezing in the winter. Food has to be palatable and nutritious.

(g) The chained or tethered dog must have constant access to shelter and protection from the elements in all seasons of the year. The area must be kept clean of defecation.

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