Why Ditch Dairy? Because Cheese Is Melting the Planet

Why should everyone ditch dairy? PETA points out how humans’ obsession with bovine mammary secretions amplifies the climate catastrophe.

Leave the Meat in the Sheets—Go Vegan in the Streets: PETA Calls For Sex Strike

PETA is erecting—ahem—launching new ads calling on people to join a sex strike and stop having sex with their animal-eating husbands and boyfriends.

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PETA Wants the Lone Star Tick to Have a Place of Honor in Texas—Here’s What We Asked Gov. Abbott

One bite from the lone star tick can move meaty mouths toward vibrant vegan vittles. PETA urged Gov. Greg Abbott to latch on and celebrate this minuscule mite.

With Abundance of Evidence That Dairy Raises Risk of Cancer, PETA Petitions FDA to Include Warning

Research on the health impacts of dairy has revealed results that will make your blood run cold, so we’re insisting that the FDA labels clearly state the risks.

Avian Flu Outbreak, Mass Chicken Killings Prompt Nationwide Vegan Push From PETA

Amid a bird flu outbreak in 2024, PETA is hitting cities across the country with a campaign warning of the dangers of eating meat, eggs, and dairy.

Why Editing Chickens’ Genes Is a Cockamamie Idea

Wait just a wing flap—scientists think messing with chicken genetics will hinder disease?! PETA’s got five reasons why that’s a no.

Should Hurricanes and Storms Be Named After Climate-Harming Industries?

PETA is calling for a new policy to name tropical storms and hurricanes after beef, butter, cheese, and other animal-derived foods. Find out why.

Woman: © iStock.com/Livingpix | Globe: © iStock.com/titoOnz
The Number One Tip for Going Number Two? Go Vegan!

It may be taboo to talk about poo, but America has a serious constipation problem. The solution? To rethink how we eat.

‘Vegan’ or ‘Plant-Based’? A Kind Way of Life Versus a Misleading Label

Why favor the term “vegan” over “plant-based”? PETA leaves through the differences between them to help you show compassion for our fellow animals.

Sink Any Appetite for Fish Through Empathy—Replace Statues of Humans Fishing

SHELLebrate fish and other sea life by cultivating empathy and never eating them. Also, find out PETA’s FINtastic idea to replace a California Fisherman statue.

World’s Largest Climate Conference Goes ‘Mostly Vegan’—but Could Go All the Way

Although the COP28 climate summit is taking a good step by going “mostly vegan,” find out how PETA is pressing world leaders to “go all the way.”

Dairy Months?! No Whey! PETA Takes Pride in Posting Ads to Help Cows in June and July

Must June be National Dairy Month and July be National Ice Cream Month? No whey! Find out how PETA’s latest ads take pride in promoting compassion for cows.

PETA Uses AI to Help Breathing-Impaired Dog Breeds and Cows Abused for Milk

Curious about PETA’s first AI-generated ad images? Learn why artist Shad Clark used AI to create these striking visuals to help exploited dogs and cows.

Hey, Indy 500, How About Vegan Milk for Victory Lane? We’ll Even Toss In $10K

Why has PETA offered a big cash prize if the Indy 500 milk gulp goes vegan? Race right to our answer and start revving your “engine” to help cows.

The Perilous Ripple Effects That Lead Ammo Has on Animals, Humans, and the Planet

While all hunting causes harm, PETA targets the widespread dangers of poisonous lead ammunition to wildlife, humans, and the environment.

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