What Can You Do to Keep Your Sunscreen Cruelty-Free? 

If you’re planning on catching some rays, you should catch up on the latest ways the government is pressuring sunscreen companies and what PETA’s doing to save lives.

PETA Scientist’s Group Wins Major Prize for Work Against Animal Experimentation Bias

PETA scientists have worked tirelessly to level the playing field for non-animal research. Now they’ve helped win an international award for that work.

© Hamara/Shutterstock.com
Fourth Transplant Patient Dies, Proving Again That Pig Organs Are for Pigs, Not Humans

The latest xenotransplantation failure proves, yet again, that this Frankenscience is a waste of lives, money, and time. There are kinder, simpler solutions to try.

Hop Into Atiana De La Hoya’s Bunny-Friendly ‘Get Ready With Me’ Video

Atiana De La Hoya champions cruelty-free beauty, highlighting the importance of not supporting animal abuse when buying cosmetics.

Photo: © COUGHS
Axe Joins PETA’s ‘Global Beauty Without Bunnies’ Animal Test–Free List

Axe, a popular men’s personal-care company, is axing cruel and pointless experiments on animals and officially joining PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies list.

Why This Verdict Is the Perfect Chance to ‘Lash’ Out Against Cosmetics-Testing Cruelty

In one fell swoop, the Court of Justice of the European Union has sentenced thousands of rats and rabbits to horrific suffering and certain death in cruel cosmetics tests. But YOU can still help animals today.

Learn How Rabbits Are Exploited in Laboratories, on Angora Wool Farms, and Elsewhere This Easter Sunday

These shocking facts about rabbits might inspire you to take action for bunnies this Easter.

How to Answer if Someone Asks, ‘Why Do People Hate PETA?’

Hating on PETA won’t change the facts: Countless animals are suffering, and we have the power to help them.

We Did It! European ‘End Animal Testing’ Initiative Validated With 1.2 Million Signatures

Signed, sealed, and delivered! A total of 1.2 million people banded together to protect rabbits, rats, and others. Find out what’s next for the European citizens’ initiative to end tests on animals.

Animal-Friendly Costume Ideas for Kids to Get Their Ghostly Glamour On

This Halloween, create a SCAREtacular vegan costume for your kids with help from brands that don’t make their cosmetics or accessories with monstrous methods that harm animals.

© iStock.com/RichVintage
Parents: Channel Your Kid’s Compassion for Animals Into Action

From making a vegan meal to fishing for trash, compassionate children who want to take action for animals can get started now with these easy, fun ideas from PETA Kids.

Over 1.4 Million People Sign Initiative for EU to Kick-Start Plan to Phase Out All Tests on Animals

One year, 27 countries, and a whopping 1,413,383 signatures to protect rabbits, rats, and others: Find out what’s next for the European citizens’ initiative to end experiments on animals.

© iStock.com/MartaUrbańska
For Parents: Help Your Kids Start Each Day With Kindness to Animals

Do you take the time to check for animal test–free labels on your children’s personal-care products? With PETA Kids’ free, printable quiz, it can be a fun activity to do together!

Sir Paul McCartney Asks EU Citizens to ‘Come Together’ to Keep Animals out of Labs

The European Commission is trying to gloss over its promises and require tests on animals for cosmetics, but Sir Paul McCartney and PETA entities are taking a stand. Find out how you can join in.

© Mary McCartney
PETA Science Consortium Donates $20,000 Equipment to Spare Rabbits Eye Irritation Tests

PETA Science Consortium donated equipment to spare rabbits cruel chemical tests. See how PETA is working to end the Draize rabbit eye test!

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