Woo-Moo! Tim Hortons Is Now Offering Vegan Milk At No Extra Cost
Woo-Moo! Tim Hortons Is Now Offering Vegan Milk At No Extra Cost

Tim Hortons is officially moo-ving on from its vegan upcharge! After hearing from PETA, Tim Hortons confirmed it no longer charges extra for vegan milk.

Who Not to Wear: Urge Coach to Stop Using Animals’ Skins in Clothes
Who Not to Wear: Urge Coach to Stop Using Animals’ Skins in Clothes

PETA is the talk of the catwalk at New York Fashion Week. Find out how PETA is reminding big brands that a look can kill without killing anyone.

Unnecessary Experiment: We Already Know Lobsters Feel Pain
Unnecessary Experiment: We Already Know Lobsters Feel Pain

Scientists in the U.K. are pushing for a ban on boiling lobsters and crabs because their recent study confirms crustaceans feel pain—but don’t we already know that?

Headed to New Orleans for the Super Bowl?
Headed to New Orleans for the Super Bowl?

Kick off a winning vegan food tour with these MVPs.

Caught on Video: Pigs Sliced Open Alive at Pig Slaughterhouse in Canada
Caught on Video: Pigs Sliced Open Alive at Pig Slaughterhouse in Canada

New footage reveals pigs screaming and struggling to escape, in Johnston’s Packers slaughterhouse. This must end now. And you can help.

PETA’s Wacky New Ad Series Has Wiseguys Whacking Cruelty to Animals
PETA’s Wacky New Ad Series Has Wiseguys Whacking Cruelty to Animals

PETA’s new three-part ad series features a trio of gangsters who are far more enlightened than typical wiseguys.

5 Ways Trump’s FDA Can Advance Human Health With Non-Animal Tests
5 Ways Trump’s FDA Can Advance Human Health With Non-Animal Tests

As the new administration settles in, here are five ways that the FDA can immediately help save animals and improve human health.

© iStock.com/oscar_killo
VIDEO: Exploited Lion ‘Attacks’ Man at Circus—Animal Acts Everywhere Must End!
VIDEO: Exploited Lion ‘Attacks’ Man at Circus—Animal Acts Everywhere Must End!

Footage of the gruesome incident proves yet again that animals do not belong in circuses.

Never Swim With Dolphins at Barceló Maya Grand Resort Near Playa Del Carmen—Here’s Why
Never Swim With Dolphins at Barceló Maya Grand Resort Near Playa Del Carmen—Here’s Why

Here are the top reasons why you should never swim with dolphins at Barceló Maya Grand Resort near Playa del Carmen in Quintana Roo, México.

© Dolphin Freedom
What to Do if You Are Asked to Pose With Snakes in Las Vegas (or Anywhere Else)
What to Do if You Are Asked to Pose With Snakes in Las Vegas (or Anywhere Else)

When you plan a trip to Las Vegas, you know to look out for sharks at the poker table, but are you prepared for snakes on the Vegas strip?

Post Malone Is Partnering With Oreo—PETA Urges ‘Rockstar’ Rapper to Speak Up for Mice and Rats
Post Malone Is Partnering With Oreo—PETA Urges ‘Rockstar’ Rapper to Speak Up for Mice and Rats

PETA wants Post Malone—who just announced his partnership with Oreo—to help us make nutritional research “better NOW”! Here’s what we said in a letter to the rapper.

Virginia Governor Declares February Spay/Neuter Awareness Month—Here’s How PETA Is ‘Snipping’ Away at Animal Homelessness
Animal Companions
Virginia Governor Declares February Spay/Neuter Awareness Month—Here’s How PETA Is ‘Snipping’ Away at Animal Homelessness

Snip, snip, hooray! Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has issued a proclamation to help curb the companion animal homelessness and overpopulation crisis.

Fifi the Sweet Chi: Adopt This Potato and She’ll Only Have an Eye for You
Fifi the Sweet Chi: Adopt This Potato and She’ll Only Have an Eye for You

For years, PETA fieldworkers have been “rooting” for Fifi the Chihuahua and her deserved chance at securing a safe, loving home indoors. The time has come, and it’s kind of a big “peel.”

peta2’s ‘Wear Your Own Skin’ Campaign Helps Young People Shop With Compassion
peta2’s ‘Wear Your Own Skin’ Campaign Helps Young People Shop With Compassion

Animals’ bodies belong to them. Their skin, fur, or feathers are not ours to wear. Check out peta2’s “Wear Your Own Skin” campaign to help spread the word!

PETA’s Super Sweet New Video Features ‘Chicago Med’ Star Torrey DeVitto and Her Rescued Goats—Here’s Her Message for Shoppers
PETA’s Super Sweet New Video Features ‘Chicago Med’ Star Torrey DeVitto and Her Rescued Goats—Here’s Her Message for Shoppers

Actor, new mom, and rescued goat guardian Torrey DeVitto has a message for shoppers. Watch her new video with PETA!

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