Dow, 3M, and Others Advancing Animal-Free Testing
Many major corporations are realizing that scientific progress depends on researchers’ decisions to leave behind archaic experiments on animals and embrace efficient computational models and cutting-edge human cell–based testing systems that provide more reliable results. That’s why organizations including 3M, The Dow Chemical Company, and Philip Morris International partnered with the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. to produce a 17-part free webinar series highlighting modern non-animal testing approaches for assessing the toxicity of inhaled substances. Each of these forward-thinking companies is working to reduce the use of animals in inhalation testing and encouraging other companies to do the same.

With input from the makers of intelligent non-animal research tools, including AlveoliX, Epithelix, MatTek, and VITROCELL, the series provides researchers worldwide with an understanding of the use of non-animal approaches to produce reliable, human-relevant data.

This free webinar series is just the latest of the Consortium’s numerous collaborative efforts aimed at replacing the use of animals in laboratories with methods that are cruelty-free and more human-relevant. Animals don’t want to be shoved into narrow tubes and forced to inhale toxic substances, just as they don’t want noxious chemicals to be injected into their veins, pumped into their stomachs, applied to their eyes, or rubbed into their skin. Their bodies are their own, not ours to experiment on.

Researchers can check out the webinar series here.
And everyone can help animals in laboratories by demanding that Texas A&M University shut down its abusive dog laboratory, which in 35 years hasn’t produced a single treatment to reverse the symptoms of human muscular dystrophy.