New Provocative PETA Ad Shakes Things Up for ‘Adopt a Pet’ Day

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

We’re unveiling a provocative new ad for National “Adopt a Shelter Pet” Day. Our new ad is certain to catch everyone’s attention. Our goal is to get people talking about something truly lifesaving: how adopting a dog can enrich your life and help reduce the companion animal–overpopulation crisis, too.

Yes, our new ad calls on the first family to adopt a “first pet.” But it’s not all about that. Last year alone, 3.3 million dogs entered U.S. shelters. Good homes are hard to find, and what better home could there be than the White House, with comfy sofas, a great big lawn, a kind first lady, and a young boy to throw a ball or stick? But you don’t need to live in the White House to make a dog happy. Dogs would love any good home, as long as they’re loved and cared for.

Not convinced that adopting an animal companion is the right thing to do? Read on.

Exhibit A: National “Adopt a Shelter Pet” Day is observed each year on April 30. It’s meant to let everyone know of our nation’s animal-homelessness crisis, as well as to prompt people to adopt—never buy—animal companions. Millions of abandoned or unwanted dogs and cats are waiting in shelters across the U.S., hoping to meet someone to give them a caring home. In the D.C. area alone, 2,100 dogs are currently in shelters. President Donald Trump may not heed our call to rescue a dog, but you certainly can. Click here to find a local shelter or rescue.

Exhibit B: Everyone needs a confidant, an individual who is there in difficult moments, a loyal pal—and there’s none better than “man’s best friend.” Dogs don’t belong to any political party. They don’t care if you’re Republican, Democrat, or none of the above—they just want a good home. So open your doors and your heart to a dog friend—one you might need just as much as he or she needs you. Have you already rescued a furry best friend? Click here to say it loud and proud.

Exhibit C: Life can be stressful. But did you know that studies show that dogs have a calming effect on humans and that their presence can help reduce stress. Being a guardian for an animal companion—especially a dog—can even aid your “overall strategy to lower the risk of heart disease.” It can also help keep your heart rate and blood pressure in check during times of stress—something that any president faces frequently. No wonder students love to dote on dogs during midterms and finals:

PETA’s 2018 National “Adopt a Shelter Pet” Day ad was created by The Community, which has been recognized in AdAge’s Agency A-List six times in the last seven years. Headquartered in Miami, with offices in Buenos Aires, New York, and London, The Community has created works for BMW, Converse, Corona, Google, and Verizon.

This new ad asks those who have the time, love, patience, and funds for veterinary care to consider visiting their local shelters, never buying, and making sure to spay or neuter so as not to add to the dog-overpopulation problem.

Are You Ready to Adopt?

Adopting an animal companion is a wonderful thing to do.

If you’re not sure whether you’re ready to welcome a dog or cat into your home, take PETA’s adoption quiz and find out:

Note: PETA supports animal rights, opposes all forms of animal exploitation, and informs the public on those issues. It does not directly or indirectly participate or intervene in any political campaign in behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office or any political party.

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