Canada Goose Exposed: Posters Spell Out Retailer’s Bloody Cruelty
The fur- and down-peddling retailer Canada Goose is about to open its U.S. flagship store in New York City, and thanks to a grassroots initiative, consumers are learning all about the company’s bloody business model.

Flyposters that graphically illustrate the cruelty stitched into every fur-trimmed Canada Goose jacket have been put up on bus stops, on the sides of buildings, and in dozens of other can’t-miss spots.

Coyotes who are caught in barbaric steel leg clamps face blood loss, shock, dehydration, frostbite, gangrene, and attacks by predators. They can suffer for days. Mothers who are desperate to get back to their starving pups have been known to try to chew off their own limbs in an effort to escape.
What happens to animals who don’t die in the traps? They’re often strangled, stomped on, or bludgeoned to death when the trappers return.

It appears that Canada Goose can’t handle the truth. Last month, at the opening of its Toronto store, CEO Dani Reiss beat a hasty retreat to the back of the building after more than two dozen chanting, poster-wielding PETA supporters crashed the party.

And the retailer doesn’t limit its cruelty to coyotes. It also stuffs its jackets with the down of geese and ducks who spend their lives in crowded, filthy sheds before being violently killed for their feathers and flesh. Some are still conscious when their throats are slit.

Cruelty-free synthetic fillers such as PrimaLoft, Thermal R, and Thinsulate are warm, cozy, and allergen-free—and unlike down, they still insulate when wet.
What You Can Do
Urge Canada Goose to stop selling fur and down now by sending a polite message to Reiss at [email protected] or by writing a Facebook message to the company.