5 Easy Ways You Can Help a Dog Kept Outside 24/7
Dogs forced to live outside suffer through extreme temperatures and are often lonely, sick, and neglected—but a few quick actions from you could change their lives! Find out how you can help “outdoor dogs” during “Unchain a Dog” Month and every month.

5 Easy Ways You Can Help an ‘Outdoor Dog’ During ‘Unchain a Dog’ Month and Every Month
1. Ask the Owner if You Can Take Their Dog for a Walk
Dogs are social animals who suffer when isolated outside. Spending time with them in their enclosure or taking them for a walk can help them meet their social needs. If you’d want to walk the lonely dog, let the owner know that you are looking to get more exercise, miss having a dog of your own, or that their dog touched your heart in some way—Whatever is true works best! If the owner agrees, bring a leash and harness of your own and let their dog enjoy a much-need sniffari.

2. Help Keep a ‘Backyard Dog’ Safe and Dry With Straw Bedding
After receiving permission from the dog’s guardian, you can provide insulating straw bedding for a “backyard dog” in the winter. Blankets, towels, and other soft items aren’t good for keeping a dog dry outdoors because they soak up moisture and freeze, unlike straw bedding. You can buy straw online or at your local farm supply store.

Delivering straw (with a smile!) yourself is best, but if you’re unable to do so, you can order it online and have it delivered to the house with a note that reads, “This is for your dog. Straw makes a huge difference in cold weather! Please fluff and stuff liberally inside the doghouse and around its entrance.”
3. Host a Toy Drive for Dogs in Need
Chained and penned dogs can only watch as life passes them by, but delivering toys and treats to an “outdoor dog” helps break up the monotony and can help the owner see their dog as an individual.

To host a successful toy drive for dogs kept outdoors, you could do the following:
- Create an Amazon wish list. You can post the link on your personal socials, and then folks can order toys with a few clicks—and the toys will go directly to you for ultimate delivery!
- Create posters advertising your toy drive and place them with bins at local stores. Animal companion supply stores (that don’t traffic in animals) are a great place to do this, as shoppers can add a toy to their cart at checkout and donate it in a bin on their way out of the store.
- Attend community events—like church services, school events, or competitions—and ask administrators if you can place a donation bin on the premises. Also ask if they would make an announcement about these donations during the event.
4. Learn Your Local Laws to Help Unchain a Dog
You can advocate for tethering bans in your community, joining thousands of other caring individuals across the U.S., and work with elected representatives to pass ordinances that ban or restrict chaining. To get started, see what current legislation on tethering dogs exists in your community.
If you see a dog left outside who is also deprived of access to water, food, or shelter, the situation should be regarded as an emergency—please contact local authorities immediately. If they’re unresponsive, contact PETA for help. Anyone who leaves animals outside to suffer in severe weather may face criminal charges. Dogs’ well-being—even their lives—could depend on you.
5. Keep a ‘Rescue Kit’ in Your Car
You never know when you might find an animal in need—or when a dog’s guardian might let you help! Having the correct tools will make you much more able to assist during a crisis. Make your own “rescue kit” consisting of a towel, a water bowl, pop-top canned food, a collar, and a leash, or purchase a ready-made rescue kit already filled with everything you’d need.