New Jersey Fundraiser Cancels Foie Gras Dinner

July 2002

The annual New Jersey “A Dinner of Hope” fundraiser for needy children was to include foie gras, and Michael Ginor of Hudson Valley Foie Gras was to be a guest chef. PETA wrote to the organization, all of its trustees, and the restaurant hosting the event asking that they take foie gras off the menu. PETA also issued an action alert and sent a letter to the restaurant and charity from Bea Arthur.

Soon after, PETA learned that foie gras was officially pulled from the menu and Ginor voluntarily withdrew so as not to “detract from this worthy event.” Subsequently, Ginor stopped promoting his appearances on the Web out of fear that activists would find out the details of his next appearance.

Foie gras is produced by forcing long metal tubes down the throats of ducks and pumping food into their bodies until their livers become engorged. Watch PETA’s video about foie gras.

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