Hadi Shrine Circus Ends Cruel Elephant Acts

Following a vigorous PETA campaign—which included more than 250,000 e-mails from our supporters, eye-catching protests at circus shows and Shrine events, and appeals to circus sponsors to cut ties—along with protests by dedicated local advocates, the Hadi Shrine announced that it would stop exploiting elephants in its circus! The Hadi Shrine Circus had worked with notoriously abusive exhibitors like Carson & Barnes Circus, whose head trainer was caught on video attacking elephants with a bullhook. This victory brings us one step closer to ending the use of elephants in circuses entirely and serves as a message for every other holdout Shrine circus to get with the times by switching to animal-free shows that dazzle audiences with human talent. Join us in urging Shriners International to ban the use of all animals in Shrine circuses by taking action here.

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