Animal Companions
Tips From Celebrity Dog Coach Tamar Geller

You might recognize the enthusiastic, charming, and incomparable Tamar Geller from her television appearances on such shows as Oprah, Ellen, and Larry King Live, and now you have the opportunity to see the dog coach to the stars in her very own PETA miniseries. We’ve teamed up with Tamar to produce a set of six … Read more »

Animal Companions
Chance to Win a Fur-Free Look for Fall

The weather is turning cooler, but that doesn’t mean our hearts should too. Fall is a great time to make a fashion statement in support of clothes that warm our skin and don’t cost animals theirs. One lucky PETA Files reader will snag this autumnal ‘No Fur’ Burnout Fitted V-Neck T-Shirt, perfect for layering, to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Enter to Win ‘Let’s Have a Dog Party!’

“We give dogs time we can spare, and love we can spare. And, in return, they give us their all. It’s the best deal anyone ever made.”—M. Acklam Does your dog get the “leftovers“—leftover time, leftover attention, leftover energy? We’re all busy, but our dogs deserve more than leftovers. Quality time with their humans—spent playing … Read more »

Animal Companions
10% Wool Caption Contest

And we have another 10% Wool comic “Tag and Release” contest! Here’s how it works: You submit the caption for this week’s comic in the comment section below. The person whose caption best complements the strip will receive a prize. This week’s winner will walk away with a peta2 “Free For All” T-shirt!  The entry round ends at 12 noon on … Read more »

Animal Companions
Give Up Your Birthday for PETA

You say it’s your birthday? PETA wants to party with you. We have a neat new Web feature that lets you make your own webpage on PETA’s site for your birth month. Your friends and family can use it to wish you a happy birthday and give gifts for animals on your behalf. You can … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s ‘Thanksgiving Vacation to NYC’ Winner

It wasn’t easy to choose just one winner for PETA’s “All-Expenses-Paid Thanksgiving Vacation to NYC” contest.

Animal Companions
Is Your Child the Cutest Vegetarian Kid?

The following article was written by PETA marketing coordinator Ashley Palmer. Bruce Tuten/CC by 2.0   PETA Kids has begun its search to find the cutest vegetarian kids of 2010! One boy and one girl will be selected to win a professional photo shoot and star in a PETA Kids ad! Each winner will also … Read more »

Animal Companions
Tell-All Contest: What Inspired You to Go Vegetarian?

It was a gesture that was definitely more long-lasting and meaningful than a bouquet of flowers: Fran Healy of the band Travis thought of the perfect way to thank Sir Paul McCartney for contributing bass lines to a track on Healy’s just-released solo debut album, Wreckorder. He—and his family—went vegetarian. Healy recalls, “I thought, Paul’s a … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA-Endorsed Butter?

PETA Butter Forget pita bread—now there’s PETA Butter! In honor of our 30th anniversary, Peanut Butter & Co. has whipped up a giant batch of special peanut butter just for PETA and is donating a portion of the sales from it to our “Pledge to Be Veg” program. Peanut Butter & Co is also generously … Read more »

Animal Companions
Frontline Fatal to Animals?

This post is current unavailable.

Animal Companions
‘Win It’ Wednesday: Super-Cute Laptop Sleeve

Alert Cute Overload—we have a code-red cuteness emergency!     This may very well be the cutest new product that the geniuses in PETA’s Merchandise Department have come up with this millennium (with the exception of the legendary Notta Nugget, of course). In fact, it’s possible that it’s actually too much adorableness for one piece … Read more »

Animal Companions
Chrissie’s Got a Brand-New Bag (and a CD That You Can Win!)

  How would you celebrate your 58th birthday? If you’re the indefatigable Chrissie Hynde, you would start a new band (JP, Chrissie & the Fairground Boys), put out a new album (Fidelity!), and develop a new eco-friendly clothing line (Fairground Luck). Coming from Chrissie, the clothing line will of course feature T-shirts, skinny jeans, pleather … Read more »

Animal Companions
10% Wool, by Jeff Corriveau: Tag and Release Winner

And, this week’s 10% Wool “Tag and Release” winner is … Beth Ann! Congratulations.   So I see that Ringling Bros. is trying to expand its “Greatest Show on Earth” slogan …   Don’t forget to check out the archive of past 10% Wool comic strips here. Get more information on the series and the … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Win It’ Wednesday: Say ‘Tofu’ Tee

You know that tofu has truly arrived when homemaking bible Better Homes and Gardens features herbed tofu cakes as one of its “prize tested recipes” and Jessica Simpson extols the virtues of tofu on Twitter. So it was only a matter of time before tofu started getting its own T-shirts. First came PETA’s runaway bestsellers … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Answer to the ‘D’ Word

What’s a fast way to make an Average Jane wince? Just say “Diet.” Many people mistakenly believe that dieting is all about deprivation. Not so! Watch as Skinny Bitch author Rory Freedman weighs in:   Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” pluginspage=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”335″ height=”255″ allowscriptaccess=”always”></embed>   As Rory points out, the … Read more »

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