Animal Companions
NBC’s Sexually-Explicit Super Bowl Ad Rejection Makes Us Blush

Apparently, NBC has something against girls who love their veggies. After we submitted our proposed Super Bowl ad, which features a comely crop of models demonstrating their fondness for fresh produce, NBC nixed the ad, saying it “depicts a level of sexuality exceeding our standards.” No joke, this is straight from NBC—so stop fondling your … Read more »

Animal Companions
Fan of Jungle Love?

Stephen Sommersflixster / CC Hold on to your loincloths, boys and girls—another adaptation of Tarzan (yes … in addition to the 88 that already exist) will be swinging into theaters in 2010! Critics say co-writer and director Stephen Sommers will be focusing on jungle love, but this classic story is sure to have scenes of … Read more »

Animal Companions
Obama and the Wolf

firstpeople / CC As one of his first orders of business, President Barack Obama has suspended a plan to remove several gray wolf populations from the Endangered Species List. Originally, the Interior Department wanted to remove the wolves from the list, thereby exposing them to harm and slaughter. By taking this action, President Obama has … Read more »

Animal Companions
Will Sammy’s Pizzeria Chicken Out?

lluisgerard / CC Our local Norfolk, Virginia, pizzerias, like others in the country, offer all sorts of vegan toppings, so when PETA heard that Sammy’s Pizzeria in Niagara Falls was planning a buffalo wing boycott (No, Jessica, they actually come from chickens) that gave us an idea. Sammy’s is boycotting buffalo wings because of the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Calling All O.A.R. Fans

You may know (and love) O.A.R.’s hit single, “Shattered (Turn the Car Around),” but did you know that their name stands for “Outrageously Against Real fur”? OK, I made that part up. It’s really “Of a Revolution,” but after hearing frontman Marc Roberge’s awesome anti-fur radio PSA, I seriously think that they should consider changing … Read more »

Animal Companions
Celebrating the Year of the Ox

In honor of the Year of the Ox, PETA Asia-Pacific’s “Go Veg!” cow hit the streets to encourage shoppers to “make it a good year for cows.” Welcomed with open arms (and kids jumping on his back), the cow traveled from Taipei to Hong Kong to Manila. He also made a quick pit stop at … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ambulances and Homeland Security … Just Another PETA Demo

When we found out that Safari Club International, the largest big-game hunting organization in the world, would be in Reno, Nevada, on the same day as our anti-fur demonstrators, we figured that we’d be facing a tough crowd. Our fearless crusaders nevertheless showed up bright and early to let people know that animals caught in … Read more »

Animal Companions
Liam Neeson: Un-‘Stable’?

Liam Neeson’s appearance on The Daily Show last night has PETA wondering if one of his horses might have kicked him in the head. What else could explain his bizarre opinions about New York City’s carriage horses and what wonderful lives he thinks they have? “Have you been in these stables?” he asked. “I would … Read more »

Animal Companions
Breaking News on Iowa Pig Farm Investigation

We have just learned that Shawn Matthew Lyons, one of the men caught abusing pigs during our investigation of an Iowa pig farm, pleaded guilty to one count of livestock neglect. This charge was filed after authorities reviewed our investigators’ video, which showed Lyons beating a pig on the back at least 10 times with … Read more »

Animal Companions
The Day I Spent With Michael Vick

kiki072895 / CC On September 18, 2007, I spent eight hours with Michael Vick at PETA headquarters. He was there to participate in PETA’s “Developing Empathy for Animals” course as part of an education process that PETA hoped would ultimately lead Michael to speak out publicly against dogfighting. In one segment of the course, Michael … Read more »

Animal Companions
Hey, ‘Sea Kitten High’ … Don’t be Hatin’

The design used on the T-shirts that we sent to Principal Morford While America is cozying up to the idea of the Sea Kitten Revolution, apparently some people at Spearfish High School (aka “Sea Kitten High”) are just being grumps about the whole thing. I would think they’d have been honored when we suggested that … Read more »

Animal Companions
Men Who Stomped, Kicked Turkeys Apparently Still on the Clock

You probably remember when we unveiled our undercover investigation of Aviagen Turkeys, Inc., right before Thanksgiving. (Those horrifying images are hard to forget.) After seeing our video footage, Aviagen claimed to be working on improvements to its animal welfare policies and promised to fire all workers who were caught violating them. However, Aviagen has not, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Daniela Sea Wants You to Go Veg and Win ‘L Word’ Loot

Ready for a really cool two-fer? Not only do we have a brand spankin’ new veggie testimonial from actor Daniela Sea (who plays transman computer tech Moira/Max Sweeney on Showtime’s The L Word), but we also have a season DVD of the hit show that we’re really itching to give away. But before we scratch … Read more »

Animal Companions
Inauguration Roundup

All throughout the inauguration yesterday, our costumed campaigners were mobbed by curious bystanders, including online celebrity “Obama Girl”! While she was shooting her new video, Obama Girl asked members of our crew to dance with her on camera … and of course we said “Yes.” So, be on the lookout for that on YouTube—but here’s … Read more »

Animal Companions
Making Neuss Nicer for Swans

Stefan Bröckling with a rescued swan Those rootin’ Teutons at PETA Deutschland (that’s Germany, for those who don’t sprechen the language) are always up to something interesting. Here’s one recent example of their work for animals. Working with the Düsseldorf duck hotline (best duck hotline name ever, don’t you think?), PETA Germany campaigner Stefan Bröckling … Read more »

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