Elephant Cruelty: Your Government Inaction

It seems that some circus industry folks—including Feld Entertainment, Ringling’s parent company—have donated more than $40,000to certain Chicago aldermen and their respective ward organizations in an apparent attempt to derail efforts to pass an ordinance to prevent some of the worst cruelty that is inflicted on elephantsin circuses. And—what do you know?—a large amount of … Read more »

Please, USDA, Bring Charges Against Ned’s Abuser

Photo: Elephant Sanctuary I have some good news, and I have some bad news. First, the bad news: Ned, an elephant confiscated from a Florida-based circus trainer, almost starved to death—he weighs a ton less than he should. That’s right, a ton. Carol Buckley, the founder and director of the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, has … Read more »

What Do Zombies Have in Common With a Pleather Fetish?

They’ve both been featured in killer PETA street demonstrations this month! Now, we’re known for being clever, sexy, and interesting when it comes to our eye-catching demos, but in my opinion, the last few weeks have really taken the cake. Check it: These hottie-boom-botties have teamed up at San Francisco’s annual leather-fetish festival to remind … Read more »

Nah! Nah! The Circus Got a Smackdown!

As I’m sure many of you are aware, circuses that use elephants and big cats in their acts are not on PETA’s approved list! Circuses—including Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, for instance—use aggression, violence, and confinement to “train” elephants to perform asinine tricks. This often results in pain, suffering, and trauma. Some elephants … Read more »

In ‘Donkey Basketball’ News …

After covering the zoo-prison connection just recently, the folks at The Onion have put together a spoof news story highlighting how absolutely ridiculous (and—dare I say—lowbrow) “donkey basketball” is.2-Year-Old Donkey Called Up To Pro Donkey Basketball League It’s worth noting the newscasters’ description of Nubbins, who drops in weight and perceived value as he stops … Read more »


I just got an email asking why I never posted about PETA’s recent Chipotle victory and pointing out that for activists, hearing about these successes can make a huge difference as far as showing that their hard work is paying off and that, slowly but surely, we’re changing both public opinion and the attitudes of … Read more »

RIP, Delhi the Elephant

I just got this email from Debbie Leahy, the director of PETA’s Captive Exotic Animals Department: Sad news. A dear friend, Delhi, passed away on Tuesday, March 11. Delhi was the first elephant confiscation in U.S. history. After an extensive campaign by PETA, the USDA seized Delhi from Hawthorn Corporation and transferred her to The … Read more »

Best. Deflocked. Ever. (by Jeff Corriveau)

Jeff Corriveau knocks another one out of the park. Enjoy. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Dear MoD, What Discussions?!

Hey, everyone! You may remember my previous post about the bearskins investigation. Well, this has generated a ton of media coverage, which is excellent, but this article in particular really caught my eye. A spokesperson from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) was quoted in the article as saying, “Some alternatives to real fur are already … Read more »

‘Kangaroo’ to Dickerson Park Zoo: Don’t Make Me a Target

It looks like Dickerson Park Zoo had a loose kangaroo on its property last week. But don’t fret: He wasn’t escaping—he was protesting! In fact, it was actually a PETA member dressed as a kangaroo, but hey, now we’re just splitting hairs. Documents received by PETA reveal that in 2007, the Dickerson Park Zoo in … Read more »

PETA (Hearts) ‘Backyard’ Dogs

One thing that many of you probably don’t know is that many of our dedicated, awesome staffers take time out of their weekends to help “backyard” dogs. During the cold weather season, this committed team delivers straw to cold, needy dogs every weekend—no exceptions. We do this because straw never freezes and is the best … Read more »

Another Victory! Lukoil Ends Ringling Promotions

We’re just knocking them out of the park at the moment. Literally two hours after posting an alert on our site asking members to contact the American subsidiary of Russian oil-giant Lukoil about their promotion of the Ringling Bros. Circus, the company has made the compassionate decision to cut all ties with the circus due … Read more »

Ringling Elephant Attack in Miami

We were recently informed by a whistleblower that Ringling trainer Joe Frisco Jr. was attacked by one of the elephants used by the circus, sustaining injuries severe enough to send him to the hospital. The source claimed that Frisco “has been pounding” on the elephant, which, given the Frisco family’s penchant for violently abusing animals, … Read more »

Denny’s Victory!

PETA got a call this week from representatives of Denny’s restaurants confirming that the company has ended its partnership with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Denny’s smart decision to sever ties with a company that (among other things) beats animals with steel-tipped hooks to make them perform required a little bit of … Read more »

Former Ringling Bros. Employee Speaks Out

Archele Hundley is the latest in a long list of brave ex-Ringling Bros. employees to come to PETA with her story about what the folks at the circus get up to when they think no one’s watching. The PSA that she just recorded for us to help expose the circus’s animal abuse is a must-see … Read more »

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