Anjelica Huston: Steak ‘n Shake Should Keep Apes Out of It

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Screen legend Anjelica Huston knows what makes good TV and what doesn’t. And there’s no question which side of the line ads that use great apes fall on. She is urging Steak ‘n Shake to pull its current TV spot that includes a forced performance by a chimpanzee. Along with a copy of her video exposé about great-ape “actors,” Anjelica sent the company a long letter, saying, in part, “These chimpanzees are destined to endure a lifetime of abuse for your 30-second spot—a point that no compassionate person would find funny in the least.” 

The stars of Enlightened are enlightened enough to know that you don’t force animals to perform—but you can ask a PETA staffer to! Star Mike White is such a big fan of PETA that he invited PETA Vice President Lisa Lange to make a guest appearance on this Sunday’s episode and plug the organization. And during filming, Laura Dern thanked Lisa for what PETA is doing for animals.

Zachary Quinto knows the right way to put animals on camera: making a film starring homeless dogs that’s about adopting from animal shelters instead of buying from pet stores and breeders. And Zachary’s tweet about his film Dog Eat Dog was one of our paws-down favorites this week:

Anne Hathaway was a paws-down favorite at the Screen Actors Guild Awards, accepting her award in custom-made vegan Jimmy Choos

Actor Aisha Tyler took to Twitter to talk about some vegan meals she has been enjoying, and PETA has been helping by tweeting Aisha links to tasty recipes

And Paul McCartney gave us plenty of them to choose from with his Meat Free Monday Cookbook. He reflected on decades of meat-free eating and animal advocacy as well as how he is honoring Linda McCartney’s life in a poignant piece titled, “My Life as a Vegetarian – Supporting Linda’s Legacy.” 

Fauja Singh will be leaving quite the legacy as well. The world’s oldest marathon runner has announced that he will retire this year at the ripe old age of 101. What does he say gave him his longevity and fitness? Exercise and a vegetarian diet, of course.

To keep up with what all the stars are doing for animals, follow @PETA on Twitter

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