PETA Scientists Expose the True Meaning of ‘Gold Standard’ for Animal Laboratories

January 30, 2015 Accreditation by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) International has long been trumpeted as being the “gold standard” of animal welfare in laboratories—even though investigations by PETA have documented miserable conditions and abysmal treatment of animals in AAALAC-accredited laboratories. In a first-of-its-kind study, PETA scientists analyzed government … Read more »

NIH Ends Some Invasive, Distressing Procedures on Infant Monkey

January 30, 2015 In response to complaints filed by PETA regarding the National Institutes of Health’s cruel maternal-deprivation experiments on baby monkeys, the agency made a number of adjustments to the experiments, including discontinuing stressful brain scans, painful spinal taps, and some blood draws on newborn monkeys. The agency also informed PETA that it’s planning … Read more »

PizzaRev Adds Vegan Sausage Toppings

January 2015 Fast-growing pizza chain PizzaRev added vegan sausage as a permanent topping at its corporate locations—which includes all stores in Los Angeles County and Bakersfield, California—and additional stores may be adding the topping to their menus as well. PizzaRev previously added vegan cheese and made all its crusts vegan-friendly after seeing great support for … Read more »

IKEA Introduces Vegan Meatballs After Hearing From PETA

January 2015 IKEA, which originally planned to introduce vegetarian meatballs that contained animal products, committed to offering vegan meatballs instead after hearing from PETA. The new vegan meatballs will be available at all IKEA stores beginning in April 2015.

Gordon Ramsay Show ‘MasterChef’ Removes Chimpanzee Scene

January 2015 After hearing from PETA, Shine Group made the decision not to air a segment of Gordon Ramsay’s show MasterChef that featured a chimpanzee provided by Steve Martin’s Working Wildlife.

Esprit Bans Angora

January 2015 After being pressured by PETA for more than a year, retailer Esprit finally agreed to ban angora from its shelves.

Miami Dolphins Agree Not to Renew SeaWorld Partnership

January 2015 After talking with PETA, the NFL’s Miami Dolphins agreed not to renew the team’s partnership with SeaWorld. For the past two seasons, the Florida football team has partnered with SeaWorld in a ticket co-op and sponsored SeaWorld’s Football Family of the Year sweepstakes.

UW-Madison Closes Cruel Cat Lab

Following an extensive PETA campaign to expose and end cruel and archaic brain experiments on cats at the University of Wisconsin–Madison—which included an open records lawsuit, demonstrations, ad campaigns, federal complaints, pleas from Bill Maher and James Cromwell, and more than 369,000 protest letters from the public—the studies were ended and the laboratory closed its … Read more »

USDA Files Formal Complaint Against the Mobile Zoo

January 1, 2015 The notorious exhibitor Mobile Zoo was hit with a formal complaint from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is facing legal consequences for its long history of Animal Welfare Act citations, many of which were issued during inspections prompted by PETA complaints. The violations alleged in the federal complaint include multiple … Read more »

Large Property Company Bans Pocket Pets

January 2015 After years of communication with CBL Associates & Properties, Inc.—the fourth largest shopping mall real estate investment trust in the nation, which manages 130 properties, including 79 malls and open-air centers—PETA finally persuaded the company to ban the sale of sugar gliders! CBL was the last of the big mall owners to still … Read more »

Health Canada Re-Evaluates Animal Testing for Citronella Bug Sprays Following PETA Involvement

December 2014 Citronella bug sprays were scheduled to be phased out in Canada by the end of 2014 unless manufacturers provided Health Canada with additional safety data derived from toxicity tests on animals. After PETA sent letters informing the agency that citronella bug sprays are considered safe by the U.S. government and not required to … Read more »

Adolfo Domínguez Bans Angora

December 2014 After hearing about the cruelty behind angora production, high end retailer Adolfo Domínguez made the compassionate decision to ban angora.

Hasbro Removes Wild Animal Ad

December 2014 Upon hearing that the toy and board game company Hasbro was airing a commercial featuring a baboon to advertise its Connect Four toy, PETA contacted the company to explain the physical and emotional distress that animals forced to perform in the entertainment business endure. Hasbro agreed to pull the commercial, which was airing … Read more »

Landmark Ruling in Europe Could Save Millions of Animals

December 2014 When PETA U.K. learned that the agency responsible for overseeing the largest animal testing program in the world had failed to investigate numerous cases in which seemingly avoidable animal testing had been conducted, PETA U.K., with the help of PETA U.S. scientists, submitted a detailed official complaint. After two years of filing amended … Read more »

Restaurant Stops Using Glue Traps

December 2014 PETA successfully helped persuade a prominent restaurant in Edmonton to stop using glue traps immediately and permanently.

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